Translating JIRA contents
Most language packs also include translations for built-in configuration components, such as priorities and resolutions; but for custom-created options, we will need to translate them ourselves. Note that JIRA allows you to translate the following configuration options:
- Issue types
- Workflow statuses
- Priorities
- Resolutions
- Custom field names (not options)
In this recipe, we will look at translating priority values.
How to do it…
Proceed with the following steps to translate priorities:
- Navigate to Administration | Issues | Priorities.
- Click on the Translate priorities link.
- Select the language you want to translate priority values to.
- Enter the translated text.
- Click on Update to save the translations.
You can also translate other components such as resolutions and custom field names in the same way.
There's more…
Other than the configuration options, you can also translate user-generated content such as issue summaries and descriptions on the fly, using an add...