Providing speed and efficiency
When deciding on a biometric solution, another consideration is to make sure the system is intuitive, easy to use, and can quickly move the subject through the process. If the system is clumsy, difficult, and slow, users will avoid interacting with the system. Next, we’ll examine some considerations we should take into account when selecting an efficient system.
Expediting the process
A biometric system must be robust so that it can efficiently move subjects through the system. This is especially true when dealing with a large-scale authentication environment. Users interacting with a biometric system expect a smooth process that gets them through it in a timely manner.
Ensuring the speed and efficiency of a biometric system is important. One of the main reasons for this is that, because of our digital, always-on society, many individuals become impatient during mundane activities, such as the following:
- Waiting for a traffic light...