- The chapter asserts that before using KNN, you will need to have your independent attributes normalized. This is certainly true, but how come we were able to get away with no normalization when we performed KNN using visualization? (See Figure 7.3.)
- We did not normalize the data when applying Decision Trees to the loan application problem. For practice and a deeper understanding, apply Decision Trees to the normalized data, and answer the following questions:
a) Did the conclusion of Decision Trees change? Why do you think that is? Use the mechanism of the algorithm to explain.
b) Did the Decision Trees tree-like structure change? In what ways? Did the change make a meaningful difference in the way that the tree-like structure could be used?
- For this exercise, we are going to use the
Customer Churn.csv
dataset. This dataset is randomly collected from an Iranian telecom company's database over a period of 12 months. A total of 3,150 rows of data, each representing...