What this book covers
Chapter 1, Getting Started with Ghidra, is a journey through the history of Ghidra and an overview of the program from the user perspective.
Chapter 2, Automating RE Tasks with Ghidra Scripts, explains how to use Ghidra scripts to automate reverse engineering tasks and introduces script development.
Chapter 3, Ghidra Debug Mode, covers how to set up a Ghidra development environment, how to debug Ghidra, and all about the Ghidra debug mode vulnerability.
Chapter 4, Using Ghidra Extensions, provides you with background for developing Ghidra extensions, as well as showing you how to install and use it.
Chapter 5, Reversing Malware Using Ghidra, demonstrates how to use Ghidra for malware analysis by reversing a real-world malware sample.
Chapter 6, Scripting Malware Analysis, continues the previous chapter by scripting for both languages, Java and Python, the analysis of a shellcode found in the malware sample.
Chapter 7, Using Ghidra Headless Analyzer, explains Ghidra Headless Analyzer and applies this knowledge to a set of malware samples acquired with a script developed during the chapter.
Chapter 8, Auditing Program Binaries, introduces the topic of finding memory corruption vulnerabilities using Ghidra and how to exploit it.
Chapter 9, Scripting Binary Audits, continues the previous chapter, teaching how to automate the bug hunting process via scripting, taking advantage of the powerful PCode intermediate representation.
Chapter 10, Developing Ghidra Plugins, delves into Ghidra extension development by explaining that Ghidra plugin extensions are the way to get the most out of the Ghidra features implemented.
Chapter 11, Incorporating New Binary Formats, shows how to write Ghidra extensions to support new binary formats, taking a real-world file format as an example.
Chapter 12, Analyzing Processor Modules, discusses how to write Ghidra processor modules using the SLEIGH processor specification language.
Chapter 13, Contributing to the Ghidra Community, explains how to interact with the community using social networks, chats, and how to contribute with your own development, feedback, bug reports, comments, and so on.
Chapter 14, Extending Ghidra for Advanced Reverse Engineering, introduces advanced reverse engineering topics and tools such as SMT solvers, Microsoft Z3, static and dynamic symbex, LLVM, and Angr, and explains how to incorporate them with Ghidra.