Generating sound
Sound generation is another one of those fields we could keep subdividing down and down until all the room we have in the book is taken up by headings listing the different methods of sound generation. For the sake of brevity, we’ll group them all here and cover a few big subfields instead.
Voice swapping
The first thing that most people think about when they learn they can swap faces is the question of whether they can swap voices too. The answer is quite unsatisfying: yes, but you probably don’t want to. There are AIs out there that can swap voices but they all suffer from various problems: from sounding like a robot, to lacking inflection, to not matching the person involved, to being very expensive and exclusive. If you’re doing anything with even moderate production value, you’ll get much better use out of natural intelligence: finding an impressionist who can do an impersonation of the voice. AI technology is just not there ...