Common operations
Tree data structures can consistent of 1...n nodes., which means that even a single node without a parent or any children is still considered a tree. Therefore, many of the common operations associated with trees can be defined in terms of a single node, or from the perspective of the same. Here is a list of the most common operations associated with trees
Data: The data operation is associated with a single node, and returns the object or value contained in that node.
Children: The children operation returns the collection of siblings associated with this parent node.
Parent: Some tree structures provide a mechanism to "climb" the tree, or traverse the structure from any particular node back toward the root.
Enumerate: An enumeration operation will return a list or some other collection containing every descendant of a particular node, including the root node itself.
Insert: An insert operation allows a new node to be added as a child of an existing node in the tree. The insert...