Having the confidence to get started
Tori Wieldt: Read the comments on an article, take a look at Twitter, or try out the software yourself. Even if you aren't really technical, everybody should be able to download and try software. More and more companies allow you to do that.
People tend to undercut their abilities. If you're starting a user group or you want to get people together online, just try a tech and write down the experience you've had. That is the great start of a presentation. You can say that you tried XYZ tech and what you learned. Explain what was easy, what was really frustrating, and the resources that got you going. That's really valuable information. If you're interested enough and willing to share your thoughts with other people, then do so.
Geertjan Wielenga: Do you need to know absolutely everything about the tech from your organization to be able to share knowledge with the salespeople and the community?