Mary's podcast
Mary Thengvall: The podcast is called Community Pulse. I started it almost three and a half years ago with Jason Hand. He was at VictorOps at the time (he's at Microsoft now) and we didn't think there were enough resources out there. We were struggling to find resources ourselves, so the podcast frankly ended up being a nice way for us to share our experiences and learn from other people. PJ Hagerty joined us about eight episodes in, so the three of us run it now and we've released over 30 episodes.
Geertjan Wielenga: What sort of topics do you deal with?
Mary Thengvall: Everything from social media and how to navigate it to writing content and submitting calls for proposals (CFPs). We're recording an episode next week that's about event organization and creating community-run events. We talk about anything that developer relations people or community managers might run into.
Geertjan Wielenga: Your book is on the business value...