We said we have a TButton instance on our form. We learned there are (at least) four platform styles included by Embarcadero and that each style contains an entry for every standard component. What about how the component and the style definition are matched?
The matching algorithm will take the name of the class of the component (TButton), lowercase it (tbutton), strip the initial T (button), and add a conventional style suffix (buttonstyle). The resulting buttonstyle name will be used to look up an entry in the style definition for every TButton component.
A simple override for this selection mechanism is provided through the StyleLookup property (introduced in the TStyledControl class) where a different style name can be specified instead of the conventional default.
Each application has a default style (the matching platform style, by default), but we'll see in the following sections how to include a custom style and select it as default, as well...