There are three kinds of materials available in the FMX 3D framework:
- TColorMaterialSource: This is a simple solid color material.
- TTextureMaterialSource: This enables the use of a bitmap as filling.
- TLightMaterialSource: This implements a material (color- or texture-based), which is responsive with respect to the amount of light it is exposed to.
You can find the three aforementioned components in the component palette (in the Materials category). These are non-visual components you can add to your form and set up through the Object Inspector. Then, you can use them with 3D shapes or models by referencing them as values for the specific material-related properties of the object. For example, a TCube component has a Material property. A TText3D component has three different properties (MaterialSource, MaterialBackSource, and MaterialShaftSource) to let you diversify materials with respect to the sides of the 3D text object.
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