So far, we have seen how we can reasonably deduce typical input type and orientation capabilities by device type. This also applies to the last entry on my list of aspects: indoor/outdoor use. Even if it is not strictly tied to device type, I think we can agree that it is generally hard to see a desktop machine being used outdoors.
There are a number of topics relating to the fact that our device will be used indoors or outdoors and some of them have an impact on the UI as well.
Let's think about a mobile application being used outdoors: we may need to design our user interface in order to positively adapt to changes in the environment luminosity, so as to keep the user comfortable throughout the day and depending on all weather and light conditions. This may be accomplished by switching from a dark theme to (one or more) lighter ones, or the other way around, depending on the actual need.
Some operating systems already have some support in this...