Policy gradient intuition
Policy gradient is one of the most popular algorithms in deep reinforcement learning. As we have learned, policy gradient is a policy-based method by which we can find the optimal policy without computing the Q function. It finds the optimal policy by directly parameterizing the policy using some parameter .
The policy gradient method uses a stochastic policy. We have learned that with a stochastic policy, we select an action based on the probability distribution over the action space. Say we have a stochastic policy , then it gives the probability of taking an action a given the state s. It can be denoted by
. In the policy gradient method, we use a parameterized policy, so we can denote our policy as
, where
indicates that our policy is parameterized.
Wait! What do we mean when we say a parameterized policy? What is it exactly? Remember with DQN, we learned that we parameterize our Q function to compute the Q value? We can do the same here, except...