The service command initially was used to run SysV init scripts on early Linux distributions prior to systemd. Depending on the what you're trying to accomplish, the method you use to start, stop, or restart a service will depend upon whether your distribution uses systemd or init. Most Linux engineers prefer to use the service command as opposed to the newer methods of handling processes in system environments. Thus in most newer distributions the service command is supported. The syntax for the service command is:
service <process> <status>
To view all services on a system running SysV scripts, we'll use the CentOS 6.5 system:
[philip@localhost Desktop]$ service --status-all
abrt-ccpp hook is installed
abrtd (pid 2254) is running...
abrt-dump-oops is stopped
acpid (pid 1964) is running...
atd (pid 2273) is running...