Why would you need Kubernetes?
You might wonder at this point why you would need Kubernetes at all. However, even if your company is not the size of Google, or you are not running zillions of containers in your production environment, container orchestration via Kubernetes is something you are going to need.
As it turns out, Kubernetes has some extremely useful features that make it appealing to even small companies. In the remainder of this chapter, we will discuss these features in more detail.
One of the most useful functions of Kubernetes is the ability to heal itself. Should Kubernetes determine that a pod has crashed, then it will start a new pod to replace the failed one. That way, the cluster is brought back to the desired state again.
Of course, there are some constraints to this process. One of them is that there should be enough resources available to be able to start a new pod. Resources can refer to (virtualized) machines, memory, CPU, and storage...