Setting up the development environment
Even though we have created the frontend of the Message App inChapter 2, Vue.js 2 - It Works in the Way You Expected, and the backend in Chapter 3, Spring 5 - The Right Stack for the Job at Hand, and mentioned the usage of VS Code, we haven't talked about how to set up the development environment. In this section, we will go through the tools we're going to use to build the TaskAgile application. However, we won't cover the details of a step-by-step installation of those tools. You can use this section as an overview of the development environment requirement.
Our development environment includes mainly the following parts:
- Runtime
- Database
- Code editor/IDE
- Source control system
- Utilities
The runtime for the frontend will be the browser. In our case, it is Chrome. The backend runtime is the JRE (short for Java Runtime Environment), which is included in the JDK (short for Java Development Kit). We use JDK 8 (