Chapter 8. Making the Sloop
In the last chapter you learned a lot to help you make the modeling and animation process easier by planning out what you would do. You created templates for the top view, the front view, and the camera. You also began building your sloop, by modeling some of the parts including the mast, boom, gaff, and bowsprit. You also learned a new use for Bezier Curves, modeling, and you used it to make the rudder, keel, and tiller. And for a change of pace, you finished off by making a short animation to the rumbling piano work of Walter Roland.
In this chapter, you are going to have a chance to really improve your modeling skills by mastering more advanced modeling techniques including:
Using Subdivision Surfaces to model the hull and learning how to optimize the number of faces you create
Adding details to the model with edge loops and edge rings
Punching holes in the sloop's cabin with Boolean objects
Using Spin tools and DupliVerts to make the ship's wheel
Let's get started...