Understanding Aurora pricing
Aurora pricing is different between provisioned mode and Serverless. In provisioned mode, Aurora is priced in a similar way to RDS, where you decide how much resources (CPU and memory) you need, as well as how much storage. In Serverless, you are billed based on the Aurora Capacity Units (ACUs), which are priced as a combination of CPU and memory. In addition, you pay for any specific features you use such as global tables and Backtrack. In addition, you pay for read/write I/O usage in Aurora, which is included as standard in RDS.
To calculate your total Aurora costs, you will need to choose an instance size, database engine (MySQL or PostgreSQL), storage size, and I/O requirements. You can use the AWS Calculator to help you build your estimate. The following screenshot shows the figures you need to add to the Calculator for storage and I/O rates:
Figure 5.3 – AWS Calculator
The Calculator URL is https://calculator.aws...