In this chapter, we first saw how to pinpoint a number of bottlenecks related to the size of the .aspx
page as it goes over the wire. These included IIS-based file compression, ViewState, and white space overhead.
This was followed by a discussion of how to reduce ViewState and/or store it on the server rather than sending it back and forth between server and browser in a hidden field. In addition to this, a method to reduce white space was described. Compression is discussed in Chapter 10, Compression, and Chapter 11, Optimizing Forms deals with forms-related optimizations.
Finally, we saw a number of additional measures to reduce the size of .aspx
pages, including disabling event validation, reducing space taken by ASP.NET IDs and using ASP.NET comments instead of HTML comments.
The next chapter is about compression, an extremely effective way to reduce load times. It has detailed discussions on how to enable compression in IIS 7 and IIS 6, including compression levels and caching...