Changing the text format
The Format pane of text has several options available to us before we even begin to explore the style and layout options of our text. Let's explore some of these features.
Getting ready
Launch Motion and choose a Broadcast 720p, 29.97 project with a 10 second duration. Press Shift + Z to fit the Canvas window.
How to do it...
Let's create some text and head to the Inspector to change its format.
Press T or select the T icon on the toolbar to select the text tool as shown in the following screenshot. Click somewhere close to the center of the Canvas. Type
Playing With Text
and press Esc to exit the text entry mode. Use the dynamic guides to help you center your text on the screen. Press F7 to show the HUD.While we could switch our text in the Format pane, it's actually beneficial to do it in the HUD. Click and hold down the font menu (just above the alignment options). Scroll through the various options as shown in the following screenshot and notice how your text updates...