66.7 Testing the App
Build and run the app on a device or emulator and move the SeekBar to a low number (for example 10) before tapping the launch button. The status text will update each time a coroutine is launched until the maximum is reached. After each coroutine completes the 5 second delay the status text will update until all 10 have completed (in practice these status updates will happen so quickly it will be difficult to see the status changes).
Repeat the process with the SeekBar set to 2000, this time sliding the seekbar back and forth as the coroutines run to verify that the main thread is still running and has not been blocked.
Finally, with the Logcat panel displayed, set the SeekBar to 2000 and click on the launch button repeatedly. After about 15 clicks the Logcat panel will begin displaying messages similar to the following:
I/Choreographer: Skipped 52 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
Although the app continues to...