63.5 Controlling Destroyed Service Restart Options
The onStartCommand() callback method is required to return an integer value to define what should happen with regard to the service in the event that it is destroyed by the Android runtime system. Possible return values for these methods are as follows:
•START_NOT_STICKY – Indicates to the system that the service should not be restarted in the event that it is destroyed unless there are pending intents awaiting delivery.
•START_STICKY – Indicates that the service should be restarted as soon as possible after it has been destroyed if the destruction occurred after the onStartCommand() method returned. In the event that no pending intents are waiting to be delivered, the onStartCommand() callback method is called with a NULL intent value. The intent being processed at the time that the service was destroyed is discarded.
•START_REDELIVER_INTENT – Indicates that, if the service was destroyed...