Oftentimes, developers like to fall back to using events to enforce the concept of a workflow, a rigid diagram of business logic that branches according to the application state and/or user choices (or in psuedo-formal terms, a tree-like uni-directional flow graph). This graph may contain circular flows until the user meets the criteria to continue. One example of this is user authentication to access an application, where a natural circular logic arises of returning back to the login form until the user submits a correct user/password combination - upon login, the application may decide to display a bunch of welcome messages pointing to various pieces of functionality & giving quick explanations.
However, eventing has a problem - it doesn’t centralize the high level business logic with obvious branching, so in an application of moderate complexity, developers may scramble to figure out what callbacks are supposed to trigger when, and in what order. Even worse, the logic can be split across multiple files, creating a multifile spaghetti that makes it hard to find the meatball (or other preferred food of reader interest). It can be a taxing operation for developers, which in turn hampers productivity.
Enter Generators
Generators are an exciting new feature in ES6 that is mysterious to more inexperienced developers. They allow one to create a natural loop that blocks up until the yielded expression, which has some natural applications such as in pagination for handling infinite scrolling lists such as a Facebook newsfeed or Twitter feed. They are currently available in Chrome (and thus io.js, as well as Node.js via --harmony flags) & Firefox, but can be used in other browsers & io.js/Node.js through transpilation of JavaScript from ES6 to ES5 with excellent transpilers such as Traceur or Babel. If you want generator functionality, you can use regenerator.
One nice feature of generators is that it is a central source of logic, and thus naturally fits the control structure we would like for encapsulating high level application logic.
Here is one example of how one can use generators along with promises:
var User = function () { … };
User.authenticate = function* authenticate() {
var self = this;
while (!this.authenticated) {
yield function login(user, password) {
return self.api.login(user, password)
.then(onSuccess, onFailure);
function* InitializeApp() {
yield* User.authenticate();
yield Router.go(‘home’);
var App = InitializeApp();
var Initialize = {
next: function (step, data) {
switch step {
case ‘login’:
return App.next();
Here we have application logic that first tries to authenticate the user, then we can implement a login method elsewhere in the application:
function login (user, password) {
return App.next().value(user, password)
.then(function success(data) {
return Initialize.next(‘login’, data);
}, function failure(data) {
return handleLoginError(data);
Note the role of the Initialize object - it has a next key whose value is a function that determines what to do next in tandem with App, the “instantiation” of a new generator. In addition, it also makes use of the fact that what we choose to yield with a second generator, which lets us yield a function which can be used to pass data to attempt to login a user. On success, it will set the authenicated flag as true, which in turn will break the user out of the User.authenticate part of the InitializeApp generator, and into the next step, which in this case is to route the user to the homepage. In this case, we are blocking the user from normally navigating to the homepage upon application boot until they complete the authentication step.
Explanation of differences
The important piece in this code is the InitializeApp generator. Here we have a centralized control structure that clearly displays the high level flow of the application logic. If one knows that there is a particular piece that needs to be modified due to a bug, such as in the authentication piece, it becomes obvious that one must start looking at User.authenticate, and any piece of code that is directly concerned with executing it. This allows the methods to be split off into the appropriate sectors of the codebase, similarly with event listeners & the callbacks that get fired on reception of the event, except we have the additional benefit of seeing what the high level application state is.
If you aren't interested in using generators, this can be replicated with promises as well.
There is a caveat to this approach though - using generators or promises hardcodes the high level application flow. It can be modified, but these control structures are not as flexible as events. This does not negate the benefits of using events, but it gives another powerful tool to help make long term maintenance easier when designing an application that potentially may be maintained by multiple developers who have no prior knowledge.
Generators have many use cases that most developers working with JavaScript are not familiar with currently, and it is worth taking the time to understand how they work. Combining them with existing concepts allow some unique patterns to arise that can be of immense use when architecting a codebase, especially with possibilities such as encapsulating branching logic into a more readable format. This should help reduce mental burden, and allow developers to focus on building out rich web applications without the overhead of worrying about potentially missing business logic.
About the Author
Wesley Cho is a senior frontend engineer at Jiff (http://www.jiff.com/). He has contributed features & bug fixes and reported numerous issues to numerous libraries in the Angular ecosystem, including AngularJS, Ionic, UI Bootstrap, and UI Router, as well as authored several libraries.
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