Many popular applications are built using Electron including VSCode, GitHub Desktop, and Slack. It enables developers to deliver new features fast, while also maintaining consistency with all platforms. Vuika says, “The cost and speed of the development, code reuse are the main reasons I believe. The companies can effectively reuse existing code to build desktop applications that look and behave exactly the same across the platforms. No need to have separate developer teams for various platforms.”
When we asked Vuika about why he chose Electron, he said, “Historically, I got into the Electron app development to build applications that run on macOS and Linux, alongside traditional Windows platform. I didn't want to study another stack just to build for macOS, so Electron shell with the web-based content was extremely appealing.”
Sharing when you should choose Electron, he said, "Electron is the best bet when you want to have a single codebase and single developer team working with all major platforms. Web developers should have a very minimal learning curve to get started with Electron development. And the desktop application codebase can also be shared with the website counterpart. That saves a huge amount of time and money. Also, the Node.js integration with millions of useful packages to cover all possible scenarios."
The case when it is not a good choice is, “if you are just trying to wrap the website functionality into a desktop shell. The biggest benefit of Electron applications is access to the local file system and hardware.”
Electron integrates with all the three most popular JavaScript frameworks: React, Vue, and Angular. All these three have their own pros and cons. If you are coming from a JavaScript background, React could probably be a good option as it has much less abstraction away from vanilla JS. Other advantages are it is very flexible, you can extend its core functionality by adding libraries, and it is backed by a great community. Vue is a lightweight framework that’s easier to learn and get productive. Angular has exceptional TypeScript support and includes dependency injections, Http services, internationalization, formatting pipes, server-side rendering, a CLI, animations and much more.
When it comes to Electron, choosing one of them depends on which framework you are comfortable with and what fits your needs. Vuika recommends, "There are three pretty much big developer camps out there: React, Angular and Vue. All of them focus on web components and client applications, so it’s a matter of personal preferences or historical decisions if speaking about companies. Also, each JavaScript framework has more than one set of mature UI libraries and design systems, so there are always options to choose from. For novice developers he recommends, “keep in mind it is still a web stack. Pick whatever you are comfortable to build a web application with."
Vuika's book, Electron Projects, has a dedicated chapter, Integrating Electron applications with Angular, React, and Vue to help you learn how to integrate them with your Electron apps.
Electron’s core components are Chromium, more specifically the libchromiumcontent library, Node.js, and of Chromium Google V8 javascript engine. Each Electron app ships with its own isolated copy of Chromium, which could affect their memory footprint as well as the bundle size. Sharing other reasons Vuika said, “It has some memory footprint but, based on my personal experience, most of the memory issues are usually related to the application implementation and resource management rather than the Electron shell itself.”
Some of the best practices that the Electron team recommends are: examining modules and their dependencies before adding to your applications, ensuring the main process is not blocked, among others. You can find the full checklist on Electron’s official site.
Vuika suggests, “Electron developers have all the development toolset they use for web development: Chrome Developer Tools with debuggers, profilers, and many other great features. There are also build tools for each frontend framework that allow minification, code splitting, and tree shaking. Routing libraries allow loading only the content the user needs at a particular point. Many areas to improve memory and resource consumption.” More recently, some developers have also started using Rust and also recommend using WebAssembly with Electron to minimize the Electron pain points while enjoying its benefits.
Coming to security, Vuika says, “With Electron, a web application can have nearly full access to the local file system and operating system resources by means of the Node.js process. Developers should be very careful trusting web content, especially if using remotely served HTML content.”
“Electron team has recently published a very good article on the security that I strongly recommend to read and keep in the bookmarks. The article dwells on explaining major security pitfalls, as well as ways to harden your applications,” he recommends.
Meanwhile, Electron is also improving with its every subsequent release. Starting with Electron 6.0 the team has started laying “the groundwork for a future requirement that native Node modules loaded in the renderer process be either N-API or Context Aware.” This update is expected to come in Electron 11.0.
“Also, keep in mind that Electron keeps improving and evolving all the time. It is getting more secure and faster with each next release. For developers, it is more important to build the knowledge of creating and debugging applications, as for me,” he adds.
Denys Vuika is an Applications Platform Developer and Tech Lead at Alfresco Software, Inc. He is a full-stack developer and a constant open source contributor, with more than 16 years of programming experience, including ten years of front-end development with AngularJS, Angular, ASP.NET, React.js and other modern web technologies, more than three years of Node.js development. Denys works with web technologies on a daily basis, has a good understanding of Cloud development, and containerization of the web applications.
Denys Vuika is a frequent Medium blogger and the author of the "Developing with Angular" book on Angular, Javascript, and Typescript development. He also maintains a series of Angular-based open source projects.
Check out Vuika’s latest book, Electron Projects on PacktPub. This book is a project-based guide to help you create, package, and deploy desktop applications on multiple platforms using modern JavaScript frameworks
Follow Denys Vuika on Twitter: @DenysVuika.
The Electron team publicly shares the release timeline for Electron 5.0
How to create a desktop application with Electron [Tutorial]