Packed with practical examples, this book looks at a different aspect of performance tuning in each chapter and shows you how to apply them to their existing Java applications.
Anyone with an interest in learning more and improving the performance of Java-based technology in general, all the way to WildFly in particular, will find this book useful.
What you will learn
Tune and monitor an OS, a JVM, and WildFly with components and applications
Make various tuning tools work with WildFly
Configure and tune the JVM by analyzing its behavior
Understand numerous best practices and howtos
Monitor and tune various JEE technologies within WildFly, such as EJBs, WebServices, and JSFbased applications
Know the insandouts for getting the most out of the platform, its components, and surrounding infrastructure
Discover how to tune a clustered WildFly environment
This book surprised me in a positive way. While expecting to read a manual for WildFly configuration and tuning, I found the book to be also a useful guide for the performance tuning of Java EE applications and JVM itself. It covers relational databases, their design and optimization, JDBC, ORM technologies, like Hibernate and JPA, Servlets and JSP, JMS, SOAP and REST Web services, and some other technologies. The content is arranged in a consistent way. The first chapter contains an interesting discussion of performance tuning essentials, approaches and methodologies used for optimization. The second chapter refers tools and applications useful for tuning and monitoring different parts of Java EE systems. The third chapter provides information about JVM optimization for the most common use cases. The next chapters describe performance tuning of the WildFly server and its subsystems, like EJB, persistence layer, Web container, Web applications and services. The last chapter provides receipts for tuning WildFly clusters. The book language is clear and precise. The content includes numerous illustrations, like schemes, tables, and screenshots. Some chapters contain brief technical reminders to refresh knowledge of the technologies being discussed. All these features add value to the book. Also, there are some interesting historical reviews, like WildFly's history or The evolution of web frameworks. In general, I think that this book can be useful for any Software engineer, for anybody who is interested in the performance tuning of computer applications.
Amazon Verified review
M. EiseleAug 05, 2014
The ContentBeside the title, the book is a more general resource for performance tuning around Java EE applications. Most of the chapters do not really rely on WildFly but give general hints about performance tuning essentials, approaches and methodologies used for optimization, like the first chapter. The second chapter covers tools for monitoring and tuning of various Java EE subsystems.Chapter three gives a introductory overview about general JVM tuning principles and applies to any JVM development. Beginning with chapter four it is going to be a bit closer to WildFly. EJBs are covered in chapter 5, JMS in chapter 9 and a general pattern here is to refer to Java EE concepts and apply the WildFly specific examples and extensions.Writing and StyleThe language is clear and precise. Additional illustrations, tables, and screenshots make it an easy and understandable read. Occasional basic information about Java EE components and concepts make it easy to follow for beginners, too.Conclusion and recommendationBeside the title who implies a very narrow focus, this is a book which can be a useful read for almost any Java EE developer out there. The explanations are good and helpful. If you ever had to deal with performance tuning you probably know most of those concepts but having them all in one place also makes this a perfect reference for the experienced developers.
Amazon Verified review
Dustin MarxJul 29, 2014
Wildfly Performance Tuning presents concepts, tips, and suggestions related to performance of WildFly-hosted applications that include both Java EE standard performance ideas and ideas that are unique to tuning WildFly performance. Because WildFly is an implementation of Java EE, it's not surprising that some of the performance tuning concepts covered in this book are Java EE general and could be applied to other Java EE application servers as well."WildFly Performance Tuning" has ten chapters and the first, second, third chapters and sixth chapters have very little WildFly-specific detail in them. They are more general and mostly apply to other Java EE application servers as well. In some cases, they are even more general than Java EE, applying to Java SE and other languages in some cases. Chapter 3 is among the best introductory overviews I have seen of general JVM tuning principles in a single chapter and mostly applies to any JVM development (not limited to WildFly).Chapter 4 is a general WildFly tuning chapter and the remainder of the chapters focus on components/specifications of Java EE (and of WildFly). For example, Chapter 5 covers tuning EJBs on WildFly and Chapter 9 covers tuning JMS on WildFly. Most of these chapters provide WildFly-specific concepts and examples as well as Java EE-general concepts and examples.Packt Publishing provided me with a PDF version of this book that is the subject of this review, but I have received no compensation for the review.It was nice to have the color screen snapshots in the PDF version of this book. The code examples are well-formatted, but they do not have color coded syntax and do not include line numbers.
Amazon Verified review
Allen PoloNov 03, 2017
Some tips but there are many performance issues that not get addressed, like tools that could be used, how to make a plan for performance improvement issues, how to attack based on a strategy.
Amazon Verified review
Kindle CustomerSep 17, 2014
This book focuses on the latest iteration of the JBoss JEE server, Wildfly. Like many performance books, it offers advice that applies to performance in general, JEE specifically, and a particular technology (Wildfly) especially.The first three chapters deal with methodology for performance tuning, tools of the trade (especially open source tools), and JVM tuning. The first chapter contains material that will be largely familiar to anyone who's done much tuning in the past, but is good for those who are new to tuning. The second chapter outlines tools that will probably be familiar to experienced tuners. There are some good tips here. The third chapter explains JVM tuning. Combined, these three chapters make for a good background for Java tuning.The next six chapters deal with Wildfly. They introduce the server in general, then specifically address EJBs, Persistence/JPA, Web Container (Undertow), Web Applications and Web Services (to include REST), and JMS. These chapters include some really good expert-level tips. If you are a user of Wildfly (or the product version, Red Hat's EAP) then these chapters alone will probably make the book a worthwhile purchase. There's some good advice here for users of other JEE servers, but the real value here is for JBoss users.The final chapter covers Wildfly clustering. If you use Wildfly (or the product equivalent, EAP) for production use, you will want to know about clustering.I thought the book was very strong from a technical standpoint. Users of Wildfly (future EAP) will be quite pleased with the solid advice provided.All things considered, I'd recommend this book for any Wildfly / EAP user. Users of other JEE servers (WebSphere, WebLogic) might consider it, but won't get the same bang for the buck. Users of JEE in general should benefit strongly from the first chapters, but the application-specific tips won't all fit.About 300 pages, this one is worth the money if this is your work area.
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