Backing up configuration files
You spend a lot of time setting up your system and optimizing its settings for the best performance and features. Erasing a configuration file or even making changes that turn out not to be optimal can have dire consequences, especially in a production setting. Before making changes, you should make a backup of configuration files and keep it handy in case you need to revert to the previous configuration. Webmin has a facility to help you do just that.
Getting ready
In this recipe, we will create backup files with names containing the current date. We need to enable this feature. So, before starting the backup process, navigate to Webmin | Backup Configuration Files | Module Config and answer Yes to the question, Do strftime substitution of backup destinations?.
How to do it...
Perform the following steps to back up the configuration files:
Create a directory to store local backups in the root directory, for example,
Make sure that your backup directory...