Time for action – examining the ray traced scene
Open the file
in an HTML5 browser. You should see a scene with a simple lit, bobbing sphere like the one shown in the following screenshot:First, in order to give us a way of triggering the shader, we need to draw a full screen quad. Luckily for us, we already have a class that helps us do exactly that from the post-processing example earlier in this chapter! Since we don't have a scene to process, we're able to cut a large part of the rendering code out, and the entirety of our JavaScript drawing code becomes:
function render(){ gl.viewport(0, 0, c_width, c_height); gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); //Checks to see if the framebuffer needs to be resized to match the canvas post.validateSize(); post.bind(); //Render the fullscreen quad post.draw(); }
That's it. The remainder of our scene will be built in the fragment shader.
At the core of our shader, there are two functions...