This chapter gives a significant vision about software testing in the contemporary web era, starting with the most important consideration; it's unimaginable to think of a web application that is not supported by a solid testing strategy.
You learned that modern web development can't follow the same old paradigms such as using the well known jQuery library as the application cornerstone. Complex web applications tend to become unmanageable and untestable without a good architectural design. Every framework or library should be used in the correct context. jQuery has advantages in developing a plugin and pure user interface customizations, but it's not the best option if adopted as an application logic framework.
We finally saw that if we want to satisfy both maintainability and testability, we need to adopt a presentation design pattern. In the JavaScript community, the emerging presentation frameworks and libraries are a part of the MV* family and they promote separation of concerns and isolation between their components. In particular, Knockout.JS is one of the most well-known libraries and implements a specific pattern variation, which is Model-View-ViewModel.
In the next chapter, you will learn more about Knockout.JS and its features.