Storage I/O profile
The I/O storage profile produced by each virtual desktop is entirely dependent on which type of Windows operating system is in use, the applications deployed, and even how each user individually interacts with the environment.
IOPS (pronounced as eye-ops) is a common performance measurement used to benchmark computer storage devices such as hard disk drives (HDDs), solid state drives (SSDs), and storage area networks (SANs). As with any benchmark, IOPS numbers published by storage device manufacturers do not guarantee real-world application performance.
According to Wikipedia, predictions of what the average virtual desktop I/O profile will likely be is one of the most difficult tasks when designing a VDI solution. The reason for that is the lack of information about the workload that will be running in each one of the virtual desktops at the design time.
It is possible to use pre-trended numbers as a baseline; however, despite the indication of what the workload would likely...