Creating a trigger
This recipe demonstrates how to programmatically create a trigger in SQL Server using SMO and PowerShell.
Getting ready
For this recipe, we will use the Person.Person
table in the AdventureWorks2008R2
database. We will create a trivial AFTER
trigger that merely displays values from the inserted and deleted records upon firing.
The following is the T-SQL equivalent of what we are going to accomplish programmatically in this section:
CREATE TRIGGER [Person].[tr_u_Person] ON [Person].[Person] AFTER UPDATE AS SELECT GETDATE() AS UpdatedOn, SYSTEM_USER AS UpdatedBy, i.LastName AS NewLastName, i.FirstName AS NewFirstName, d.LastName AS OldLastName, d.FirstName AS OldFirstName FROM inserted i INNER JOIN deleted d ON i.BusinessEntityID = d.BusinessEntityID
How to do it...
Let's follow these steps to create an
trigger in PowerShell:
Open the PowerShell console by going to Start | Accessories | Windows PowerShell | Windows...