R-ArcGIS Bridge is a free, open source R package that connects ArcGIS and R. It was released together with an R-ArcGIS community website on GitHub, encouraging a collaboration between the two communities. The package serves the following three purposes:
- ArcGIS developers can now create custom tools and toolboxes that integrate ArcGIS and R
- ArcGIS users can access R code through geoprocessing scripts
- R users can access the GIS data managed in traditional GIS ways
The creation of custom script tools in ArcGIS has been possible for a long time using the Python programming language. Now, using the R-ArcGIS Bridge package you can also use the R programming language to build custom script tools that allow you to integrate GIS data with R scripts. The new arcgisbinding package facilitates the movement of data between these two platforms. You can also access traditional...