Time for action – recording sounds in the sound editor
We're going to complete our slideshow by recording some audio to describe each backdrop. This gives our users a richer experience and might be comparable to what you'd experience if you were ever to take a self-guided walking tour.
For the purposes of this exercise, think about a two- or three-sentence description for one of your images. Our basic task will be to add a sprite that will play the correct audio when we click on it. Let's walk through the steps:
Sounds are associated with a sprite or the stage, so let's add a sprite that can be used to play the audio we will record. Import Microphone from the Things category in the Sprite Library.
Now select the microphone sprite so that we can record our audio. To record new audio, click on the microphone icon in the Sounds tab. A new sound called recording1 is added and selected.
Click on the circle icon in the sound recorder to start recording. It is the icon to the left of the Edit menu...