Chapter 9. Solving Cross-browser Responsive Challenges
In this final chapter, we will learn:
The fundamental difference between progressive enhancement and graceful degradation
How to make older versions of Internet Explorer responsive
How to use Modernizr to conditionally load CSS files
How to use Modernizr to conditionally load JavaScript polyfills
How to change long lists of navigation to select menus on small viewports
How to provide images for high resolution (retina) displays
Before we get to the meat of this final chapter, let's recap where we are and what we know.
Mobile usage is exploding. Consequently users view websites with a variety of viewports (different sizes and orientations) and with varying bandwidths. For the foreseeable future, we need to design and build our websites starting with the essential content and layering on features and enhancements progressively. Furthermore, due to the bandwidth considerations, the code base should be as lean and flexible as possible.