- accumulate method
- applying, on add function / Time for action – applying the ufunc methods on add
- AffinityPropagation class
- about / Time for action – clustering points
- agg.FigureCanvasAgg() function / What just happened?
- AI
- about / Artificial intelligence
- points, clustering / Time for action – clustering points, What just happened?
- almost equal arrays
- asserting / Time for action – asserting almost equal
- AND operator / Time for action – twiddling bits
- annotate function / Legend and annotations
- apply_along_axis function / Time for action – summarizing data
- approximately equal arrays
- asserting / Time for action – asserting approximately equal
- arange function / NumPy array object, What just happened?, Time for action – fitting to polynomials, Time for action – extracting elements from an array
- argmax function
- about / Searching
- argmin function / What just happened?
- about / Searching
- argsort function
- about / Sorting
- argwhere function
- about / Searching
- arithmetic functions
- about / Arithmetic functions
- array division / Time for action – dividing arrays, What just happened?
- array attributes
- shape / Array attributes
- about / Array attributes
- dtype / Array attributes
- ndim / Array attributes
- size / Array attributes
- itemsize / Array attributes
- T attribute / Array attributes
- real / Array attributes
- imag / Array attributes
- flat / Array attributes
- arrays
- converting / Time for action – converting arrays
- comparing / Time for action – comparing arrays
- ordering / Time for action – checking the array order
- arrays, NumPy
- about / Arrays
- stacking / Stacking
- splitting / Splitting
- arrays almost equal
- asserting / Time for action – asserting arrays almost equal
- array shapes
- manipulating / Time for action – manipulating array shapes
- array shapes, manipulating
- ravel function / Time for action – manipulating array shapes
- flatten function / Time for action – manipulating array shapes
- reshape function / Time for action – manipulating array shapes
- transpose matrices / Time for action – manipulating array shapes
- resize method / Time for action – manipulating array shapes
- arrays spiltting
- about / Splitting
- horizontal splitting / Time for action – splitting arrays
- vertical splitting / Time for action – splitting arrays
- depth-wise splitting / Time for action – splitting arrays
- arrays stacking
- horizontal stacking / Time for action – stacking arrays
- vertical stacking / Time for action – stacking arrays
- depth stacking / Time for action – stacking arrays
- column stacking / Time for action – stacking arrays
- row stacking / Time for action – stacking arrays
- assert functions
- about / Assert functions
- assert_almost_equal / Assert functions
- assert_approx_equal / Assert functions
- assert_array_almost_equal / Assert functions
- assert_array_equal / Assert functions
- assert_array_less / Assert functions
- assert_equal / Assert functions
- assert_raises / Assert functions
- assert_warns / Assert functions
- assert_string_equal / Assert functions
- assert_allclose / Assert functions
- assert_allclose function
- about / Assert functions
- assert_almost_equal function
- about / Assert functions
- using / Time for action – asserting almost equal
- assert_approx_equal function
- about / Assert functions
- using / Approximately equal arrays
- assert_array_almost_equal function
- about / Assert functions
- using / Almost equal arrays
- assert_array_almost_equal_nulp function
- using / Time for action – comparing with assert_array_almost_equal_nulp
- assert_array_equal function
- about / Assert functions
- using / Equal arrays
- assert_array_less function
- about / Assert functions
- using / Ordering arrays
- assert_array_max_ulp function
- about / Comparison of floats with more ULPs
- using / Time for action – comparing using maxulp of 2
- assert_equal function
- about / Assert functions
- using / Objects comparison
- assert_raises function
- about / Assert functions
- assert_string_equal function
- about / Assert functions
- using / String comparison, Time for action – comparing strings
- assert_warns function
- about / Assert functions
- astype function / Time for action – converting arrays
- audio clips
- replaying / Time for action – replaying audio clips, What just happened?
- audio processing
- about / Audio processing
- audio clips, replaying / Time for action – replaying audio clips, What just happened?
- average true range (ATR)
- about / Average true range
- calculating / Time for action – calculating the average true range, What just happened?
- bartlett function
- about / Have a go hero – smoothing variations, Time for action – plotting the Bartlett window
- Bartlett window
- about / Time for action – plotting the Bartlett window
- plotting / Time for action – plotting the Bartlett window
- binomial distribution models
- about / Time for action – gambling with the binomial
- binomial function
- using / Time for action – gambling with the binomial, What just happened?
- bits
- twiddling / Time for action – twiddling bits
- Bitwise-ANDing / Time for action – twiddling bits
- bitwise functions
- about / Bitwise and comparison functions
- bitwise_and function / Time for action – twiddling bits
- bitwise_xor function / Time for action – twiddling bits
- blackman function
- about / Have a go hero – smoothing variations, Blackman window
- Blackman window
- about / Blackman window
- plotting / Time for action – smoothing stock prices with the Blackman window, What just happened?
- Bollinger bands
- about / Bollinger bands
- enveloping with / Time for action – enveloping with Bollinger bands, What just happened?
- bools.astype() function / What just happened?
- calc_profit function
- about / Time for action – avoiding loops with vectorize
- canvas.draw() function / What just happened?
- canvas.get_renderer() function / What just happened?
- character codes
- about / Character codes
- clip method / Time for action – clipping and compressing arrays
- clock object, Pygame
- animating / Time for action – animating objects with NumPy and Pygame
- column stacking
- about / Time for action – stacking arrays
- column_stack function
- about / Time for action – stacking arrays
- comparison functions
- about / Bitwise and comparison functions
- complex numbers
- about / Complex numbers
- sorting / Time for action – sorting complex numbers, What just happened?
- compress method / Time for action – clipping and compressing arrays
- concatenate function
- about / Time for action – stacking arrays
- consecutive wins and losses
- analyzing / Have a go hero – analyzing consecutive wins and losses
- continuous distributions
- about / Continuous distributions
- contour function / Contour plots
- contour plots
- about / Contour plots
- filled contour plot, drawing / Time for action – drawing a filled contour plot
- convolution
- about / Time for action – computing the simple moving average
- convolve function
- about / What just happened?
- correlation
- about / Correlation
- correlated pairs, trading / Time for action – trading correlated pairs, What just happened?
- CPython
- about / Python
- CSV files
- about / CSV files
- loading from / Time for action – loading from CSV files
- dealing with / Time for action – loading from CSV files
- cumprod method
- about / Time for action – calculating the factorial
- data
- summarizing weekly / Time for action – summarizing data
- data sorting routines
- sort function / Sorting
- lexsort function / Sorting
- argsort function / Sorting
- sort method / Sorting
- msort function / Sorting
- sort_complex function / Sorting
- AAPL stock prices, sorting lexically / Time for action – sorting lexically
- data type objects
- about / Data type objects
- dates
- dealing with / Time for action – dealing with dates, What just happened?
- Debian and Ubuntu
- Python, installing / Time for action – installing Python on different operating systems
- NumPy, installing / Time for action – installing NumPy, Matplotlib, SciPy, and IPython on Linux
- decorate_methods function
- calling / Nose tests decorators
- depth-wise splitting
- about / Time for action – splitting arrays
- depth stacking
- about / Time for action – stacking arrays
- determinant, of matrix
- about / Determinants
- calculating / Time for action – calculating the determinant of a matrix
- detrended signal
- filtering / Time for action – filtering a detrended signal, What just happened?
- detrend function / Signal processing
- about / Signal processing
- diff function / Time for action – analyzing stock returns, Time for action – balancing volume
- discrete Fourier transform (DFT)
- about / Fast Fourier transform
- DISH (Dish Network Corp.) / Time for action – plotting a year’s worth of stock quotes
- divide function
- about / Time for action – dividing arrays
- docstrings
- about / Docstrings
- doctests, executing / Time for action – executing doctests
- doctests
- executing / Time for action – executing doctests
- documentation website, NumPy and SciPy
- URL / Online resources and help
- dsplit function
- about / Time for action – splitting arrays
- dstack function
- about / Time for action – stacking arrays
- dtype attribute
- about / Array attributes
- dtype attributes
- about / dtype attributes
- dtype constructors
- about / dtype constructors
- easy_install command / OpenGL and Pygame
- Eigenvalues
- about / Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors
- determining / Time for action – determining eigenvalues and eigenvectors, What just happened?
- Eigenvectors
- about / Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors
- determining / Time for action – determining eigenvalues and eigenvectors, What just happened?
- elements
- extracting, from array / Time for action – extracting elements from an array, What just happened?
- error function / Time for action – calculating the Gaussian integral
- exponential moving average
- calculating / Time for action – calculating the exponential moving average
- extract function
- about / Searching
- factorial
- calculating / Time for action – calculating the factorial
- fast Fourier transform (FFT)
- about / Fast Fourier transform
- calculating / Time for action – calculating the Fourier transform, What just happened?
- fftshift function / Shifting
- Fibonacci numbers
- about / Fibonacci numbers
- computing / Time for action – computing Fibonacci numbers, Have a go hero – timing the calculations
- file I/O
- files, reading and writing / Time for action – reading and writing files
- fill_between function
- about / Fill between
- using / Fill between
- financial functions / Financial functions
- fv / Financial functions
- pv / Financial functions
- npv / Financial functions
- pmt / Financial functions
- irr / Financial functions
- mirr / Financial functions
- nper / Financial functions
- rate / Financial functions
- future value, determining / Time for action – determining future value
- flat attribute
- about / Array attributes
- floating-point comparisons
- assert_array_almost_equal_nulp function, using / Floating point comparisons
- about / Floating point comparisons
- floats
- comapring, maxulp of 2 used / Time for action – comparing using maxulp of 2
- floor_divide function
- about / Time for action – dividing arrays
- fmod function
- about / Time for action – computing the modulo
- Fourier analysis
- about / Fourier analysis
- detrended signal, filtering / Time for action – filtering a detrended signal, What just happened?
- frequencies
- shifting / Time for action – shifting frequencies, What just happened?
- fv function / Financial functions
- Game of Life
- implementing / Time for action – simulating life
- Gaussian integral
- calculating / Time for action – calculating the Gaussian integral
- Gentoo
- NumPy, installing / Time for action – installing NumPy, Matplotlib, SciPy, and IPython on Linux
- glBegin() function / What just happened?
- glClear() function / What just happened?
- glColor3f() function / What just happened?
- glEnd() function / What just happened?
- glFlush() function / What just happened?
- gluOrtho2D() function / What just happened?
- glVertex2fv() function / What just happened?
- hamming function
- about / Have a go hero – smoothing variations, Hamming window
- Hamming window
- about / Hamming window
- plotting / Time for action – plotting the Hamming window
- hanning function
- about / Smoothing
- Hello World example
- about / Hello World
- hist function / Histograms
- histograms
- about / Histograms
- stock price distributions, charting / Time for action – charting stock price distributions, What just happened?
- horizontal splitting
- about / Time for action – splitting arrays
- horizontal stacking
- about / Time for action – stacking arrays
- hstack function
- about / Time for action – stacking arrays
- hypergeometric distribution
- about / Hypergeometric distribution
- game show, simulating / Time for action – simulating a game show, What just happened?
- imag attribute
- about / Array attributes
- image processing
- about / Image processing
- Lena, manipulating / Time for action – manipulating Lena, What just happened?
- Lena image, manipulating / Time for action – manipulating Lena, What just happened?
- installation, Python
- on Debian and Ubuntu / Time for action – installing Python on different operating systems
- on Windows / Time for action – installing Python on different operating systems
- on Mac / Time for action – installing Python on different operating systems
- interest rate
- calculating / Interest rate
- internal rate of return
- about / Internal rate of return
- determining / Time for action – determining the internal rate of return
- interp1d class / Interpolation, What just happened?
- about / Interpolation
- interp2d class / Interpolation
- interpolation
- about / Interpolation
- in one dimension / Time for action – interpolating in one dimension, What just happened?
- IPython
- installing, on Windows / Time for action – installing NumPy, Matplotlib, SciPy, and IPython on Windows
- installing, on Linux / Time for action – installing NumPy, Matplotlib, SciPy, and IPython on Linux
- installing, on Mac OS X / Time for action – installing NumPy, Matplotlib, and SciPy on Mac OS X
- installing, with MacPorts or Fink / Time for action – installing NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, and IPython with MacPorts or Fink
- about / IPython—an interactive shell
- installation instructions / IPython—an interactive shell
- features / IPython—an interactive shell
- Pylab switch / IPython—an interactive shell
- packages, importing / IPython—an interactive shell
- pylab mode / Online resources and help
- online resources / Online resources and help
- IRC channel
- about / Online resources and help
- irr function / Financial functions
- isreal function
- about / What just happened?
- itemsize attribute
- about / Array attributes
- kaiser function
- about / Have a go hero – smoothing variations, Kaiser window
- Kaiser window
- about / Kaiser window
- plotting / Time for action – plotting the Kaiser window
- leastsq function / Time for action – fitting to a sine
- left_shift universal function / Time for action – twiddling bits
- legend function / Legend and annotations
- legends and annotations
- about / Legend and annotations
- using / Time for action – using legend and annotations, What just happened?
- Lena image
- manipulating / Time for action – manipulating Lena, What just happened?
- lexsort function
- about / Sorting
- using / Time for action – sorting lexically
- linear algebra
- about / Linear algebra
- matrices, inverting / Time for action – inverting matrices, What just happened?
- linear model
- price, predicting with / Time for action – predicting price with a linear model
- linear systems
- solving / Solving linear systems, Time for action – solving a linear system
- linspace function
- about / Time for action – calculating the exponential moving average
- Linux
- NumPy, installing / Linux
- Matplotlib, installing / Linux
- SciPy, installing / Linux
- IPython, installing / Linux
- Lissajous curves
- about / Lissajous curves
- drawing / Time for action – drawing Lissajous curves
- loadmat function / MATLAB and Octave
- loadtxt function / Time for action – loading from CSV files, Time for action – dealing with dates
- logarithmic plots
- about / Logarithmic plots
- stock volume, plotting / Time for action – plotting stock volume
- log function / Time for action – analyzing stock returns
- lognormal distribution
- about / Lognormal distribution
- drawing / Time for action – drawing the lognormal distribution
- lstsq function / Time for action – predicting price with a linear model
- .mat file
- saving / Time for action – saving and loading a .mat file
- loading / Time for action – saving and loading a .mat file
- .mat file, Matlab
- loading / Pop quiz – loading .mat files
- Mac
- Python, installing / Time for action – installing Python on different operating systems
- Mac OS X
- NumPy, installing / Mac OS X, Time for action – installing NumPy, Matplotlib, and SciPy on Mac OS X
- Matplotlib, installing / Mac OS X
- IPython, installing / Mac OS X
- SciPy, installing / Mac OS X
- Mandriva
- NumPy, installing / Time for action – installing NumPy, Matplotlib, SciPy, and IPython on Linux
- mathematical optimization
- about / Mathematical optimization
- sine, fitting to filtered signal / Time for action – fitting to a sine, What just happened?
- Matlab
- about / MATLAB and Octave
- about / MATLAB and Octave
- Matplotlib
- installing, on Windows / Time for action – installing NumPy, Matplotlib, SciPy, and IPython on Windows
- installing, on Linux / Time for action – installing NumPy, Matplotlib, SciPy, and IPython on Linux
- installing, on Mac OS X / Time for action – installing NumPy, Matplotlib, and SciPy on Mac OS X
- installing, with MacPorts or Fink / Time for action – installing NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, and IPython with MacPorts or Fink
- simple plots / Simple plots
- plot format string / Plot format string
- subplots / Subplots
- finance / Finance
- histograms / Histograms
- logarithmic plots / Logarithmic plots
- scatter plots / Scatter plots
- fill_between function / Fill between
- legend and annotations / Time for action – using legend and annotations
- three dimensional plots / Three dimensional plots
- contour plots / Contour plots
- plots, animating / Animation
- about / Matplotlib
- using, in Pygame / Time for action – using Matplotlib in Pygame
- matplotlib.pyplot package
- about / Simple plots
- matrices
- about / Matrices
- creating / Time for action – creating matrices, What just happened?
- matrix
- creating, from matrices / Creating a matrix from other matrices, What just happened?
- matrix function / Fibonacci numbers
- max function / What just happened?
- mean function / The mean function, What just happened?
- median function / Time for action – doing simple statistics
- Mersenne Twister algorithm
- about / Random numbers
- meshgrid function / Time for action – plotting in three dimensions
- min function / What just happened?
- mirr function / Financial functions
- mod function
- about / Time for action – computing the modulo
- modified Bessel function
- about / Special mathematical functions
- plotting / Time for action – plotting the modified Bessel function, What just happened?
- modulo operation
- about / Time for action – computing the modulo
- computing / Time for action – computing the modulo
- Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse
- about / Pseudoinverse
- mpl.use() function / What just happened?
- msort function / Time for action – doing simple statistics
- about / Sorting
- multidimensional arrays
- slicing / Time for action – slicing and indexing multidimensional arrays
- indexing / Time for action – slicing and indexing multidimensional arrays
- multidimensional NumPy array
- creating / Time for action – creating a multidimensional array
- nanargmax function
- about / Searching
- nanargmin function
- about / Searching
- ndarray
- about / NumPy array object
- ndarray methods
- about / Methods of ndarray
- clip method / Time for action – clipping and compressing arrays
- compress method / Time for action – clipping and compressing arrays
- ndimage.convolve() function / What just happened?
- ndim attribute
- about / Array attributes
- net present value
- about / Net present value
- calculating / Time for action – calculating the net present value
- nonzero function / Array elements' extraction
- normal distribution
- drawing / Time for action – drawing a normal distribution, What just happened?
- nose tests decorators
- about / Nose tests decorators
- numpy.testing.decorators.deprecated / Nose tests decorators
- numpy.testing.decorators.knownfailureif / Nose tests decorators
- numpy.testing.decorators.setastest / Nose tests decorators
- numpy.testing.decorators.skipif / Nose tests decorators
- numpy.testing.decorators.slow / Nose tests decorators
- np.arange() function / What just happened?
- nper function / Financial functions
- npv function / Financial functions
- number of periodic payments
- determining / Time for action – determining the number of periodic payments
- numerical integration
- about / Numerical integration
- Gaussian integral, calculating / Time for action – calculating the Gaussian integral
- NumPy
- about / Python
- installing, on Windows / Windows, Time for action – installing NumPy, Matplotlib, SciPy, and IPython on Windows
- installing, on Linux / Time for action – installing NumPy, Matplotlib, SciPy, and IPython on Linux
- installing, on Mandriva / Time for action – installing NumPy, Matplotlib, SciPy, and IPython on Linux
- installing, on Gentoo / Time for action – installing NumPy, Matplotlib, SciPy, and IPython on Linux
- installing, on Debian or Ubuntu / Time for action – installing NumPy, Matplotlib, SciPy, and IPython on Linux
- installing, on Mac OS X / Time for action – installing NumPy, Matplotlib, and SciPy on Mac OS X
- installing, with MacPorts or Fink / Time for action – installing NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, and IPython with MacPorts or Fink
- source code, retrieving / Building from source
- arrays / Arrays
- vectors, adding / Time for action – adding vectors
- elements, selecting / Selecting elements
- numerical types / NumPy numerical types
- data type objects / Data type objects
- character codes / Character codes
- dtype constructors / dtype constructors
- dtype attributes / dtype attributes
- one-dimensional slicing / One-dimensional slicing and indexing
- file I/O / File I/O
- CSV files / CSV files
- VWAP, calculating / Volume-weighted average price
- value range, finding / Value range
- statistics, performing / Statistics
- stock returns, analyzing / Stock returns
- dates, dealing with / Dates
- data, summarizing weekly / Weekly summary
- ATR calculation / Average true range
- simple moving average, computing / Simple moving average
- exponential moving average, calculating / Exponential moving average
- Bollinger bands / Bollinger bands
- linear model / Linear model
- trend line / Trend lines
- ndarray methods / Methods of ndarray
- factorial, calculating / Factorial
- correlation / Correlation
- polynomials / Polynomials
- on-balance volume / On-balance volume
- simulation / Simulation
- smoothing / Smoothing
- matrices / Matrices
- universal functions / Universal functions
- arithmetic functions / Arithmetic functions
- modulo operation / Modulo operation
- Lissajous curves / Lissajous curves
- square waves / Square waves
- bitwise functions / Bitwise and comparison functions
- comparison functions / Bitwise and comparison functions
- linear algebra / Linear algebra
- linear systems, solving / Time for action – solving a linear system
- Eigenvalues, finding / Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors
- Eigenvectors, finding / Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors
- singular value decomposition / Singular value decomposition
- pseudoinverse, calculating / Pseudoinverse
- determinants, calculating / Determinants
- Fast Fourier transform, calculating / Time for action – calculating the Fourier transform
- frequencies, shifting / Time for action – shifting frequencies
- random numbers / Random numbers
- hypergeometric distribution / Hypergeometric distribution
- continuous distributions / Continuous distributions
- lognormal distribution / Lognormal distribution
- data sorting routines / Sorting
- complex numbers, sorting / Time for action – sorting complex numbers
- searching / Searching
- elements, extracting from array / Array elements' extraction
- present value / Present value
- net present value / Net present value
- internal rate of return, determining / Internal rate of return
- periodic payments, calculating / Periodic payments, Time for action – calculating the periodic payments
- number of periodic payments, determining / Time for action – determining the number of periodic payments
- interest rate, calculating / Interest rate
- window functions / Window functions
- Blackman window / Blackman window
- Hamming window / Hamming window
- Kaiser window / Kaiser window
- special mathematical functions / Special mathematical functions
- sinc function / sinc
- assert functions / Assert functions
- approximately equal arrays, asserting / Time for action – asserting approximately equal
- arrays almost equal, asserting / Time for action – asserting arrays almost equal
- equal arrays, asserting / Equal arrays
- array order, checking / Time for action – checking the array order
- objects, comparing / Time for action – comparing objects
- strings, comparing / Time for action – comparing strings
- floating point comparisons / Floating point comparisons
- floats, comparing with ULPs / Comparison of floats with more ULPs
- unit tests / Unit tests
- nose tests decorators / Nose tests decorators
- docstrings / Docstrings
- numpy.linalg package / Linear algebra
- NumPy and SciPy forum
- URL / Online resources and help
- NumPy array object
- about / NumPy array object
- multi-dimensional array object / NumPy array object
- NumPy division functions
- divide function / Time for action – dividing arrays
- true_divide function / Time for action – dividing arrays
- floor_divide function / Time for action – dividing arrays
- NumPy numerical types
- about / NumPy numerical types
- bool / NumPy numerical types
- inti / NumPy numerical types
- int8 / NumPy numerical types
- int16 / NumPy numerical types
- int32 / NumPy numerical types
- int64 / NumPy numerical types
- uint8 / NumPy numerical types
- uint16 / NumPy numerical types
- uint32 / NumPy numerical types
- uint64 / NumPy numerical types
- float16 / NumPy numerical types
- float32 / NumPy numerical types
- float64 / NumPy numerical types
- complex64 / NumPy numerical types
- complex128 / NumPy numerical types
- NumPy reference
- URL / Online resources and help
- NumPy wiki documentation
- URL / Online resources and help
- % operator
- about / Time for action – computing the modulo
- objects
- comparing / Time for action – comparing objects
- Octave
- about / MATLAB and Octave
- on-balance volume
- computing / On-balance volume
- one-dimensional slicing
- about / One-dimensional slicing and indexing
- optimization
- about / Mathematical optimization
- sine, fitting to / Time for action – fitting to a sine, What just happened?
- outer method
- applying, on add function / Time for action – applying the ufunc methods on add
- periodic payments
- calculating / Time for action – calculating the periodic payments
- piecewise function / Time for action – balancing volume
- plot format string
- about / Plot format string
- polynomial and derivative, plotting / Time for action – plotting a polynomial and its derivative, What just happened?
- plot regions
- shading, based on condition / Time for action – shading plot regions based on a condition
- plots
- animating / Time for action – animating plots, What just happened?
- plt.figure() function / What just happened?
- pmt function / Financial functions
- polyder function / Time for action – fitting to polynomials
- polyfit function / Time for action – fitting to polynomials, What just happened?
- polynomial function
- plotting / Time for action – plotting a polynomial function, What just happened?
- polynomials
- about / Polynomials
- fitting to / Time for action – fitting to polynomials
- polysub function
- about / What just happened?
- polyval function / Time for action – fitting to polynomials
- present value
- about / Present value
- computing / Time for action – getting the present value
- probability density functions (pdf)
- about / Continuous distributions
- prod function
- about / Time for action – calculating the factorial
- pseudoinverse
- about / Pseudoinverse
- pseudoinverse, of matrix
- computing / Time for action – computing the pseudo inverse of a matrix
- Pseudo random numbers
- about / Random numbers
- pv function / Financial functions
- Pygame
- about / Pygame
- installing / Time for action – installing Pygame
- for Debian and Ubuntu / Time for action – installing Pygame
- for Windows / Time for action – installing Pygame
- for Mac / Time for action – installing Pygame
- Hello World example / Hello World
- animation / Animation
- clock object / Animation
- Matplotlib, using / Time for action – using Matplotlib in Pygame
- surface pixel data, accessing / Surface pixels
- AI / Artificial intelligence
- game, simulating / Simulation game with PyGame
- pygame.display.set_caption() function / What just happened?
- pygame.display.set_mode((w,h) function / What just happened?
- pygame.display.set_mode() function / What just happened?
- pygame.display.update() function / What just happened?
- pygame.draw.polygon(screen, (255, 0, 0), polygon_points[i]) function
- about / What just happened?
- pygame.event.get() function / What just happened?
- pygame.font.SysFont() function / What just happened?
- pygame.init() function / What just happened?
- pygame.OPENGL|pygame.DOUBLEBUF) function / What just happened?
- pygame.quit() function / What just happened?
- pygame.surfarray.array2d() function / What just happened?
- pygame.surfarray.blit_array() function / What just happened?
- Pygame surfarray module / Surface pixels
- pylab mode, IPython
- about / Online resources and help
- PyOpenGL
- installing / OpenGL and Pygame
- about / OpenGL and Pygame
- Sierpinski gasket, drawing / Time for action – drawing the Sierpinski gasket
- Python
- about / Python
- installing, on Debian and Ubuntu / Time for action – installing Python on different operating systems
- installing, on Windows / Time for action – installing Python on different operating systems
- installing, on Mac / Time for action – installing Python on different operating systems
- quad function / Time for action – calculating the Gaussian integral, What just happened?
- random numbers
- about / Random numbers
- rate function / Financial functions
- real attribute
- about / Array attributes
- Real random numbers
- about / Random numbers
- record data type
- creating / Time for action – creating a record data type
- reduceat method
- applying, on add function / Time for action – applying the ufunc methods on add
- reduce method
- applying, on add function / Time for action – applying the ufunc methods on add
- remainder function
- about / Time for action – computing the modulo
- reshape function / Time for action – manipulating array shapes
- rint function / Fibonacci numbers
- row stacking
- about / Time for action – stacking arrays
- row_stack function
- about / Time for action – stacking arrays
- rundocs function / What just happened?
- sample comparison
- stock log returns, comparing / Time for action – comparing stock log returns
- savemat function / MATLAB and Octave
- savetxt function / Time for action – reading and writing files, Time for action – summarizing data
- sawtooth and triangle waves
- about / Sawtooth and triangle waves
- formula / Sawtooth and triangle waves
- drawing / Time for action – drawing sawtooth and triangle waves, What just happened?
- scatter function / Scatter plots
- scatter plots
- about / Scatter plots
- price and volume returns, plotting / Time for action – plotting price and volume returns with scatter plot
- scikit-learn project
- about / Artificial intelligence
- SciKits
- about / Samples’ comparison and SciKits
- scikits.statsmodels.stattools / Samples’ comparison and SciKits
- SciPy
- installing, on Windows / Time for action – installing NumPy, Matplotlib, SciPy, and IPython on Windows
- installing, on Linux / Linux
- installing, on Mac OS X / Time for action – installing NumPy, Matplotlib, and SciPy on Mac OS X
- installing, with MacPorts or Fink / Time for action – installing NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, and IPython with MacPorts or Fink
- MATLAB or Octave matrices, loading / Time for action – saving and loading a .mat file
- scipy.stats / Statistics
- statistics / Statistics
- stock log returns, comparing / Time for action – comparing stock log returns
- signal processing / Signal processing
- Fourier analysis / Fourier analysis
- mathematical optimization / Mathematical optimization
- numerical integration / Numerical integration
- interpolation / Interpolation
- image processing / Image processing
- audio processing / Audio processing
- scipy.fftpack module / Fourier analysis, What just happened?
- about / Fourier analysis
- scipy.interpolate function / Interpolation
- about / Interpolation
- scipy.interpolate module / What just happened?
- module / Time for action – replaying audio clips
- package / MATLAB and Octave
- scipy.ndimage module / What just happened?
- scipy.optimize module / Mathematical optimization, What just happened?
- scipy.signal module / Signal processing
- about / Signal processing
- scipy.stats
- about / Statistics
- random values, analyzing / Time for action – analyzing random values, What just happened?
- data generation, improving / Have a go hero – improving the data generation
- scipy.stats.norm.rvs function / Have a go hero – improving the data generation
- SciPy channel
- about / Online resources and help
- SciPy signal
- about / Signal processing
- trend, detecting in QQQ / Time for action – detecting a trend in QQQ, What just happened?
- SciPy statistics module
- about / Statistics
- random values, analyzing / Time for action – analyzing random values, What just happened?
- screen.blit() function / What just happened?
- sctypeDict.keys() / dtype constructors
- about / Pygame
- searching, through arrays
- argmax function / Searching
- nanargmax function / Searching
- argmin function / Searching
- nanargmin function / Searching
- argwhere function / Searching
- searchsorted function / Searching
- extract function / Searching
- searchsorted function
- about / Searching
- using / Time for action – using searchsorted, What just happened?
- setastest decorator
- applying, to test functions / Time for action – decorating tests, What just happened?
- applying, to methods / Time for action – decorating tests, What just happened?
- shape attribute
- about / Array attributes
- Sierpinski gasket
- drawing / Time for action – drawing the Sierpinski gasket
- signal processing
- about / Signal processing
- trend detecting, in QQQ / Time for action – detecting a trend in QQQ
- sign function / Time for action – balancing volume
- simple game
- creating / Time for action – creating a simple game
- simple moving average
- about / Simple moving average
- computing / Time for action – computing the simple moving average, What just happened?
- simple plots
- about / Simple plots
- polynomial function, plotting / Time for action – plotting a polynomial function, What just happened?
- simulation
- about / Simulation
- loops, avoiding with vectorize / Time for action – avoiding loops with vectorize
- sinc function
- about / sinc
- plotting / Time for action – plotting the sinc function, What just happened?
- sin function / Time for action – drawing Lissajous curves
- singular value decomposition
- about / Singular value decomposition
- matrix, decomposing / Time for action – decomposing a matrix
- size attribute
- about / Array attributes
- sklearn.cluster.AffinityPropagation().fit(S) function
- about / What just happened?
- smoothing
- hanning function, used / Time for action – smoothing with the hanning function
- smoothing variations
- about / Have a go hero – smoothing variations
- sort function
- about / Sorting
- sort_complex function
- about / Sorting
- special mathematical functions
- about / Special mathematical functions
- Bessel function / Special mathematical functions
- split function
- about / Time for action – splitting arrays
- sqrt function / Time for action – analyzing stock returns
- square waves
- about / Square waves
- representing / Square waves
- formula / Square waves
- drawing / Time for action – drawing a square wave, What just happened?
- Stack Overflow software development forum
- URL / Online resources and help
- statistics
- about / Statistics
- simple statistics, performing / Time for action – doing simple statistics
- std function / Time for action – analyzing stock returns
- stock log returns
- comparing / Time for action – comparing stock log returns, What just happened?
- stock log returns, comparing
- quotes, downloading / Time for action – comparing stock log returns
- log returns, calculating / Time for action – comparing stock log returns
- Kolmogorov Smirnov test / Time for action – comparing stock log returns
- Jarque Bera test / Time for action – comparing stock log returns
- histograms plotting, Matplotlib used / Time for action – comparing stock log returns
- stock quotes
- plotting / Time for action – plotting a year’s worth of stock quotes, What just happened?
- stock returns
- analyzing / Time for action – analyzing stock returns
- stock volume
- plotting / Time for action – plotting stock volume, What just happened?
- strings
- comparing / Time for action – comparing strings
- strip_zeroes function
- about / What just happened?
- subplot function / Time for action – plotting a polynomial and its derivatives
- subplots
- about / Subplots
- polynomial and its derivatives, plotting / Time for action – plotting a polynomial and its derivatives, What just happened?
- summarize function / Time for action – summarizing data
- surface pixel data
- accessing, with NumPy / Time for action – accessing surface pixel data with NumPy
- sysFont.render() function / What just happened?
- take function / Time for action – dealing with dates
- T attribute
- about / Array attributes
- three-by-three matrix
- creating / Have a go hero – create a three-by-three matrix
- three-dimensional plots
- about / Three dimensional plots
- plotting / Time for action – plotting in three dimensions, What just happened?
- trend
- detecting, in QQQ / Time for action – detecting a trend in QQQ, What just happened?
- trend detecting, in QQQ
- signal, detrending / Time for action – detecting a trend in QQQ
- locators, creating / Time for action – detecting a trend in QQQ
- date, formatter / Time for action – detecting a trend in QQQ
- X axis labels / Time for action – detecting a trend in QQQ
- diagram / Time for action – detecting a trend in QQQ
- trend line
- about / Trend lines
- drawing / Time for action – drawing trend lines, What just happened?
- true_divide function
- about / Time for action – dividing arrays
- about / Time-weighted average price
- calculating / Time-weighted average price
- Unit of Least Precision (ULP)
- comparing / Floating point comparisons
- unit tests
- about / Assert functions, Unit tests
- writing / Time for action – writing a unit test, What just happened?
- universal function methods
- reduce / Universal function methods
- accumulate / Universal function methods
- reduceat / Universal function methods
- out / Universal function methods
- applying, on add function / Time for action – applying the ufunc methods on add
- universal functions
- about / Universal functions
- creating / Time for action – creating universal function
- methods / Universal function methods
- usecols parameter / Time for action – loading from CSV files
- ValueError / Universal function methods
- value range
- about / Value range
- highest value, finding / Time for action – finding highest and lowest values
- lowest value, finding / Time for action – finding highest and lowest values
- variance / Time for action – doing simple statistics
- vectorize function
- about / Time for action – avoiding loops with vectorize
- vectors, NumPy
- adding / Time for action – adding vectors
- vertical splitting
- about / Time for action – splitting arrays
- vertical stacking
- about / Time for action – stacking arrays
- volume
- about / On-balance volume
- balancing / Time for action – balancing volume, What just happened?
- vsplit function
- about / Time for action – splitting arrays
- vstack function
- about / Time for action – stacking arrays
- about / Volume-weighted average price
- calculating / Time for action – calculating volume-weighted average price, What just happened?
- where function / Time for action – analyzing stock returns
- window functions
- about / Window functions
- bartlett / Window functions
- blackman / Window functions
- hamming / Window functions
- hanning / Window functions
- kaiser / Window functions
- Bartlett window, plotting / Time for action – plotting the Bartlett window
- Windows
- Python, installing / Time for action – installing Python on different operating systems
- NumPy, installing / Windows, Time for action – installing NumPy, Matplotlib, SciPy, and IPython on Windows
- SciPy, installing / Time for action – installing NumPy, Matplotlib, SciPy, and IPython on Windows
- Matplotlib, installing / Time for action – installing NumPy, Matplotlib, SciPy, and IPython on Windows
- IPython, installing / Time for action – installing NumPy, Matplotlib, SciPy, and IPython on Windows
- write function / Time for action – replaying audio clips
- XOR operator / Time for action – twiddling bits
- Yahoo Finance
- URL / Finance