Evaluating type of cloud costs
Before we get to define a cost model, we must understand what type of costs we will be faced with in cloud.
We assume that the business has specified requirements to a specific application and that application must be hosted in AWS using Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). The architect now must design the IaaS-layer and specify the components that he needs to host the application, including disks and non-functional requirements such as availability. The list of components is shown in the table.
The process of splitting up a cloud bill and associating the costs to each cost center. We’ll look more closely at this process in Chapter 9. It’s important to have teams understand how costs are being allocated, and to have a centralized, controlled, and consistent cost allocation strategy.
Cost coverage
A typical cloud deployment model is pay-as-you-go and that’s OK when the usage of cloud is limited. Most enterprises will have larger landscapes...