We, as mobile device users, think that we are not capable of getting infected by any kind of viruses on our mobile devices. But, the truth is, we are vulnerable to all kinds of threats. Anyone who has any kind of mobile device are at risk of getting a virus if you are not careful or do not protect yourself. Some of the most common notable mobile viruses, Trojans, and worms are:
Skulls: This Trojan virus replaces all phone desktop icons with images of a skull and the device becomes useless.
ZitMo: The ZitMo malware targets users' online banking information. Once this malware is installed, the bad software will forward all incoming SMS messages to a command and control center. Once this data has been shared with the hackers, they will use that data to attack your banking accounts.
DroidKungFu: This is a powerful Trojan for Android applications that obtains manager/master privileges on your device. This virus collects and sends the data to a remote server.
Zeus: Another Trojan...