In this chapter, we learned about Power BI dashboards. Dashboards provide a way to bring attention to the most important information from multiple reports within a workspace.
We learned the differences between dashboards and reports, how they can be created, how visuals and reports can be pinned, and how users will use dashboards from the Power BI service on the web as well as from mobile devices anywhere. We learned the details of how pinning tiles works, dashboard layouts can be edited, tiles can be resized, and custom dashboard themes can be configured.
When it comes to optimizing dashboards, we learned that dashboards should be optimized for the screen size where they will be consumed, and the Power BI service provides a way to do this to optimize the flow of tiles on dashboards for smaller mobile device screens. We also learned how the performance inspector can help optimize dashboards to ensure the best performance.
In the next chapter, we'll explore ways...