Website attack vectors
The SET "web attack" vector is a unique way of utilizing multiple web-based attacks in order to compromise the intended victim. It is by far the most popular attack vector of SET. It works similar to browser autopwn where several (or specific) attacks can be sent to the target browser. It has the following attack vectors:
1. The Java Applet Attack Method 2. The Metasploit Browser Exploit Method 3. Credential Harvester Attack Method 4. Tabnabbing Attack Method 5. Man Left in the Middle Attack Method 6. Web Jacking Attack Method 7. Multi-Attack Web Method 8. Return to the previous menu
Here in this recipe we will discuss the most popular attack vector, the Java applet attack method. Let us see how this attack is performed using SET.
Getting ready
To start with the Java applet attack method, we will have to select the first option.Then in the next step, we will be prompted to choose a webpage setup. We can either choose custom templates or clone a complete URL. Let us...