Creating a camera
OpenGL, unlike SFML, does not offer any means of actually moving around the view or the camera. While this may seem odd at first, that is mainly because there is no camera or view to move around. Yes, you heard that right. No camera, no views, just vertex data, shaders, and raw math to the rescue. How? Let's take a look!
View projection essentials
All of the rendering and programming trickery that lots of libraries abstract away is exactly that - tricks. When it comes to moving around the game world, there is no real camera that conveniently films the right sides of geometry to be rendered. The camera is just an illusion, used to abstract away concepts that are not intuitive. Moving around a game world involves nothing else except additional matrix math that is performed on the vertices themselves. The act of rotating the camera around the scene simply comes down to the exact opposite of that: rotating the scene around a point in space that is referred to as the camera. Once...