Before we learn how we can use transducers-js with RxJS, it is important to know which transformations we have available in this library. As we have already learned most of these transformations in RxJS, here is a quick overview of some of the transformations available in the transducers-js library API and what each one does:
- transducers.complement (function): It takes a function and returns its complements (negates the result of the function call).
- transducers.filter (function): It takes a function and filters the data based on the result of calling this function over it.
- transducers.first(): It returns the first input.
- (function): It uses the given function to map each value into another.
- transducers.partitionAll (integer): It maps the inputs into arrays of a given size.
- transducers.reduce (function, initialObject, iterable): It receives as a parameter a function, an initial...