After installing the topology extension, one more preparation step is needed before we can work with data: a new, empty topology has to be created. There are two functions for this: topology.ST_InitTopoGeo and topology.CreateTopology. The former is defined by the ISO standard, and accepts only one argument: the topology name. The latter is a non-standard version that allows the definition of additional parameters: the snapping tolerance, SRID, and dimensionality. Let's use the non-standard version:
SELECT topology.CreateTopology('my_topology', 4326, 0.00028, FALSE);
The first argument defines the topology name, the second is SRID (in this case, WGS84), the third specifies the precision (in this case, 1 arc-second, which is about 30 meters at the equator), and the fourth determines whether the topology should store Z-coordinates.
As a result, the function should return...