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Mastering Identity and Access Management with Microsoft Azure. - Second Edition
Mastering Identity and Access Management with Microsoft Azure. - Second Edition

Mastering Identity and Access Management with Microsoft Azure.: Empower users by managing and protecting identities and data, Second Edition

By Jochen Nickel
Book Feb 2019 698 pages 2nd Edition
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Mastering Identity and Access Management with Microsoft Azure. - Second Edition

Chapter 1. Building and Managing Azure Active Directory

Working with the several Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offerings such as Office 365, Dynamics CRM or Visual Studio Online requires well-managed identities and an excellent basic structure in the Azure Active Directory (AD) that builds the heart of these solutions. You, as an administrator, need to provide a stable identity and access management platform to manage these services. 

This chapter explains how to configure a suitable Azure AD tenant, which we use throughout the whole book to explore, understand, and configure the different features and functions in the field of identity and access management with Microsoft Azure. We start with the cloud-only components, followed in the next chapters by the hybrid identity and access management approach.

In this chapter, we go directly to the configuration and learn how to configure and manage users, groups, roles, and administrative units to provide a user and group-based application and self-service access, including the audit functionality. The chapter focuses on the following :

  • Implementation scenario overview
  • Implementing a solid Azure Active Directory
  • Creating and managing users and groups
  • Assigning roles and administrative units
  • Protecting your administrative accounts
  • Providing user and group-based application access
  • Activating password reset
  • Using standard security monitoring
  • Integrating the Azure AD Join for Windows 10 clients
  • Configuring a custom domain
  • Configure Azure AD Domain Services

Now, we can introduce the implementation scenario.

Implementation scenario overview

After completing the next configuration tasks, you will see the rich functionality of Microsoft Azure in the field of identity and access management, starting with cloud identities. You can demonstrate the different capabilities in your own Microsoft Azure environment. The guidance will focus on the most essential feature sets to give you an idea about their capabilities. We will start to use the default directory, which we call for now, and will change it later to a custom domain name. Domain stands for your desired name like , this is also used for the userPrincipalName of the users in this chapter, e.g. is represented in the chapter by my example domain called inovitcloudlabs. Be aware that this name will be visible in different applications, such as SharePoint Online and Skype for Business, to the end user. We recommend the company name without the company form, for instance, inovit GmbH would be Use a different name for your tests, so that the domain for a productive environment stays free. This configuration will be the base for all further scenarios in the book. For this reason, we use an Azure, Enterprise Mobility Suite, and Office 365 subscription to use all the available features.

The following figure shows the different main areas we will focus on in this chapter:

Chapter scenario overview

In the next section, we will start the configuration of the scenarios.

Implementing a solid Azure Active Directory

The first step we need to take is to get an Azure AD tenant. There are many ways to do this. You can start with an Azure subscription or use any other service from the Microsoft SaaS portfolio. The easiest way to get your solution to a working state is to start with an Office 365 trial subscription.

Open your browser and navigate to Subscribe to a free Office 365 Enterprise E5 plan:

Office 365 E5 trial request

Follow the registration process and define your user ID, such as We recommend using a nonpersonal ID, as shown in the next screenshot. Enter your new user ID and password. Your default directory will get the name you define behind the @:

First Global Administrator creation

Afterward, you need to prove your identity with a text message or a phone call and enter the received code. Next, you need to click Create my account. Keep in mind that the provisioning process takes a few minutes and should end with a success message.

After the successful creation of your brand new Azure AD with an associated Office 365 E5 plan, you should be able to log on with your administrative credentials and see the following screen:

Office 365 management portal

In the next step, we will assign an Enterprise Mobility Suite (EMS) E5 plan to the freshly created Azure AD tenant.

Click on the Admin icon on the right, and you should see your current assigned Subscriptions under the Billing tab:

Office 365 subscription management

Click Add subscriptions to add the EMS E5 trial plan to your Azure AD tenant:

EM+S E5 trial request

Choose the EMS E5 plan and click Start free trial and follow the subscription process. After a successful subscription process, you can see the assigned Office 365 E5 and the EMS E5 plan in your Azure AD tenant.

Now that we have created our Azure AD tenant, we need to subscribe for an Azure free trial subscription. This step is necessary to use Azure resources such as the Azure AD Domain Services or other functionality we will discuss in the next chapters. 

You can also use the following ways to get an Azure subscription:

Visual Studio subscription benefits


Remember you can only sign up for one Azure AD free trial subscription. 

Let's go to configure your administrative workstation and your personal Azure AD tenant.

Configuring your administrative workstation

First of all, we need to set a functional administrative workstation to work through this guide. You need to have a Windows 10 Enterprise client machine in a work group configuration. We recommend using a freshly installed Windows 10 Enterprise virtual machine. We need a Windows 10 device to use the Azure AD Join later in the book. If you are not able to access the Volume Licensed or MSDN version, you can use the Enterprise Evaluation version at

In the code section of this chapter, you will find the following cmdlets to install the needed administrative tools on your client machine, basically, the Azure AD, MSOnline and the Azure Resource Manager PowerShell modules:

  1. Install the Azure Active Directory PowerShell module:
Install-Module -Name AzureADPreview
  1. Install the MSOnline PowerShell module:
Install-Module -Name MSOnline
  1. Install the Azure Resource Manager PowerShell module:
Install-Module AzureRM
  1. Connect to the MSOnline interface with PowerShell:
# Provide your global administrator credentials
# View your assigned subscriptions
# View all actual users
  1. Create your first test user to prove the Azure AD administrative connection:
New-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName "" -DisplayName "Jochen Nickel" -FirstName "Jochen" -LastName "Nickel" -UsageLocation "CH" -LicenseAssignment "inovitlabs:ENTERPRISEPREMIUM","inovitcloudlabs:EMSPREMIUM"

Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName | fl
  1. Connect directly to the Azure AD interface to compare the output and capabilities with the MSOnline PowerShell module:
Get-AzureADUser -all $true | where userprincipalname -eq | fl
  1. Unpack the deployment package from the code package. The C:\Configuration\HRExports directory contains the needed HR import and group creation scripts to configure your Azure AD tenant with some test data:

Example script set

In the HRImportToAAD.ps1 script, the following important variables will be used:

$domain = Get-MsolDomain | where {$_.Name -notlike "*mail*"}
$dir = "C:\Configuration\HRExports"

# Also configure your PowerShell Execution Policy to RemoteSigned with the following cmdlet
# More information about this topic can be found under
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

The domain variable will contain the name of your Azure AD default directory. We use this directory and not a registered domain name for different steps. At the end of the chapter, we will change to a custom domain so that you can explore the needed tasks. As you can see, the dir variable contains the path to the scripts and the simple HR export file called NewHire.csv. The domain in the file will be replaced with your domain name, stored in the domain variable.

The NewHire.csv file contains the following demo user set, which will be used in future configurations to demonstrate the different functionalities:

userPrincipalName,DisplayName,FirstName,LastName,password,Don Hall,Don,Hall,Pass@word1,Ellen Adams,Ellen,Adams,Pass@word1,Jeff Simpson,Jeff,Simpson,Pass@word1,Brian Cox,Brian,Cox,Pass@word1,Doris Sutton,Doris,Sutton,Pass@word1,Petro Mitchell,Petro,Mitchell,Pass@word1

With the next step, we will assign an EMS E5 plan license to our global administrator, The Office 365 E5 was already assigned through the creation process. Later in the chapter, we will assign licenses through dynamic group membership, which is an Azure AD Premium P2 license feature:

License assignment operation

Click Assign and add the EMS E5 plan license to your global administrator. The expected result will be as follows:

Assigned license overview

We will get the correct message that we have no active subscription assigned to this user ID. Next, sign up for a Microsoft Azure subscription.

Custom company branding

Most companies like to see how they can apply their corporate identity to Azure services. With a few easy steps, you can show the most important capabilities. To add custom branding, you need to use an Azure Active Directory Premium 1, Premium 2, Basic, or Office 365 license. With the following simple example, you can see what you can customize. You can provide the customizing in different languages to address your own or your customers' needs. These configuration tasks are always a good starting point in a demo or a proof of concept. You are free to use your pictures and designs for this setup:

Customized portal example

The first thing we are going to change is the Name of the directory in the properties section. Just enter your desired name. We used INOVITCLOUDLABS by inovit GmbH. You can also provide your own technical and privacy contacts and links on the login page:

Azure AD tenant properties

Click Customize Branding, and you will see the following options. So that you can prepare your pictures and brands, we summarized the help information provided in Microsoft TechNet:

Azure AD portal-customizing options

Next, you will see a configuration summary.

Summary and recommendations of the help information 

The following section provides you with several capabilities and summarizes the most important corporate identity features to customize your environment:

  • Banner logo: Choose between the following options:
    • Displayed on the Azure AD sign-in page and
    • PNG or JPEG
    • Can't be taller than 36 pixels or more extensive than 245 pixels
    • Recommendation—no padding around the image    
  • Sign-in page text body: Choose between the following options:
    • Appears at the bottom of the Azure AD sign-in page
    • Unicode text only with a maximum length of 256 characters
    • Use to communicate the phone number to your help desk or include a legal statement
    • Recommendation—don't add links or HTML tags
  • Sign-in page background image: Choose from the following options:
    • Displayed on the side of the Azure AD sign-in page
    • PNG or JPEG
    • Recommended 1420 x 1200 with a supported file size of 300 KB (max. 500 KB)
    • Keep the exciting part in the top-left corner (image gets resized and cropped)
  • Username hint: Hint text that appears to users if they forget their username:
    • Unicode, without links or code
    • Maximum 64 characters
  • Show option to remain signed in: Let your users remain signed in to Azure AD until explicitly signing out:

Login experience


You are also able to do some extensive customization with the help of the following article

Your expected result should be this:

Portal-customizing effect

Now that we have provided an essential company branding, we can start to create and manage users and groups.

Creating and managing users and groups

In the next steps, we connect to our Azure AD and generate the test users and groups.

Start the Azure AD PowerShell console and connect to Azure AD by executing the following cmdlets and scripts:

$msolcred = get-credential
# Enter your global administrator credentials
connect-msolservice -credential $msolcred


Alternatively, you can also use connect-msolservice directly to connect without the use of a variable.

After starting the script, go directly to with your credentials. Select the users' section under your Azure AD. You should find the users from the HireUsers.csv file under the All users tab:

Azure AD portal user management

Open | Admin | Active Users, and you can see your users with active licenses in Office 365:

Office 365 user management

Let's create three example groups to represent the company organization with the following script:


Now, you will see the created groups:

Azure AD group management

Test your configuration, open, and log in with the user, and you should see Office 365 SharePoint, Outlook, and many applications in the access panel UI. Click Outlook, and you should be able to open the app without additional login information to access your mailbox:

User Inbox dialog

In the next steps, we provide an owner to our organizational groups.

Set group owners for organizational groups

To provide group management by the manager of a department, we will assign the following users as owners of their department groups:

  • Accounting:

Group - user assignment

Do the same for:

  • HR:
  • Sales:

Now that we have configured the owners, we will start to delegate management.

Delegated group management for organizational groups

The default configuration of Azure AD allows an owner of a security or Office 365 group to manage the group members based on the data owner concept in the Azure AD Access Panel and the Azure portal.

Furthermore, you can limit this functionality, based on your needs:

Group options in Azure AD

Log in as to Click on the HR group and add to the HR group:

Group view in Azure AD access panel UI

Review the Join policy under Edit details.

In the next section, we will configure the group self-service options.

Configure self-service group management

Another request may be that users need to be able to create request-based security or Office 365 groups, for instance for projects or distribution groups. For this, they need the capability of an approval process. You can provide this functionality by activating the option under the group management general section. The feature set requires Azure Active Directory Premium:

Self-Service Group Management options

An Office 365 group includes a distribution list but also consists of these shared tools:

  • Inbox for group email communication
  • Calendar for scheduling group meetings and events
  • Library for storing and working on group files and folders
  • OneNote notebook for taking project and meeting notes
  • Planning tool for organizing and assigning tasks and getting updates on project progress
  • Guest access (set up by the administrator)


Practical note: Use a different browser or the Private Browsing option for handling the different user sessions: one session on as (Admin) and another session as the explicit user (User) under

Create the sales internal news group as an Office 365 (distribution group)

Log in as to and create the Sales Internal News group as an Office 365 group. Check that the Group policyshows This group is open to join for all users:

Azure AD access panel UI - group creation

Review the Join policy of your newly created group:

Group dialog - Azure AD access panel UI

In your Azure AD, under Groups, you will also find the newly created group:

Group overview - Azure AD access panel UI

Now, as the group owner, we change the group to request a managers' approval with the group policy setting:

Group editing dialog

Test the new configuration and log in as to Navigate to groups. Choose Sales Internal News:

Join group dialog

Join the Sales Internal News group and type a Business justification, click Request, and the process should be started.

Log in as to

Check your inbox. You should have received the join request mail and a notification, shown in the Access Panel UI.

Click on this request and approve it:

Group join - Notifications


Note: Next, you will see the group members of the Sales Internal News group.

Log in as on

Check your inbox, and you should have received a successful approval message:

Approval message - group membership

Check your group membership, and you should be a member of the Sales Internal News group:

Group management in Azure AD access panel UI

Next, we will configure dynamic group memberships.

Configure dynamic group memberships

In the next section, we will configure straightforward dynamic group memberships to use the department attribute to add users to their department group and build up a dynamic licensing assignment. Group-based licensing currently does not support groups that contain other groups (nested groups).


An Azure AD Premium P1 license is needed for every user in a dynamic group. When enabling dynamic groups, current memberships will be lost. The usage location of a user needs to be set to assign a license. 

As the, choose the Accounting group, navigate to properties, and change the membership type to Dynamic User.

Create a simple rule, department Equals (-eq) Accounting:

Dynamic group membership rule configuration

Set the department attribute (profile section) on the accounting users Brian Cox and Jeff Simpson to Accounting:

Filling user attributes for dynamic group usage

The member should be added automatically. Check the group membership and verify the two new members:

Freshly calculated dynamic group membership

Next, we will provide an automatic licensing solution.

Create the following security group:

  • Office 365 full feature licensing
  • Group descriptionAutomatic Office 365 Full Feature Licensing
  • Membership type: Dynamic User
  • Dynamic query: userType -eq Member:

Group properties dialog

Under Licenses | Products, assign the Office 365 E5 plan. Don't choose any assignment options at the moment:

Group assignment options


Note: With the assignment options, you can enable/disable features as needed.

Wait until the membership has updated and check the license assignment for

You will see that the user gets the license through a direct and group-based assignment:

License assignment overview


This license solution is to give you a starter. You should remove the directly assigned licenses from all users that get licenses from group membership.

In the next section, we will configure role assignments to administrative units.

Assign roles to administrative units

To delegate tasks, we use the creation of administrative units (AUs) and assign roles for specific tasks. In this configuration, we generate an HR [AU] , and we assign the manager of the HR department with the role to manage user accounts in this scope.

Creating an administrative unit

First of all, we need to connect to our Azure AD with the PowerShell cmdlet Connect-AzureAD for the user.

Use the following cmdlets to create the HR [AU]:

New-AzureADAdministrativeUnit -Description "Human Resources Users" -DisplayName "HR"

View the expected output:

Newly created administrative unit

Next, we will add the related users.

Adding users to an administrative unit

Next, we add the users of the HR department to the HR [AU]. Use the following cmdlets to do this:

$HRAU = Get-AzureADAdministrativeUnit -Filter "displayname eq 'HR'"
$initialDomain = (Get-AzureADDomain)[0].Name
$HRUser1 = Get-AzureADUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName eq 'don.hall@$InitialDomain'"
$HRUser2 = Get-AzureADUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName eq 'ellen.adams@$InitialDomain'"
Add-AzureADAdministrativeUnitMember -ObjectId $HRAU.ObjectId -RefObjectId $HRUser1.ObjectId
Add-AzureADAdministrativeUnitMember -ObjectId $HRAU.ObjectId -RefObjectId $HRUser2.ObjectId
Get-AzureADAdministrativeUnitMember -ObjectId $HRAU.ObjectId | Get-AzureADUser

The output of the preceding command is as follows:

Newly added users overview

Next, we will use the scoping options.

Scoping administrative roles

In the next step, we assign the user account administrator role. Verify available roles with the following cmdlet:


Now, we enable the user account administrator role with the following cmdlet:

Enable-AzureADDirectoryRole -RoleTemplateId fe930be7-5e62-47db-91af-98c3a49a38b1

Set variables and assign the user to the role:

$admins = Get-AzureADDirectoryRole
foreach($i in $admins) {
    if($i.DisplayName -eq "User Account Administrator") {
        $uaAdmin = $i

$HRUA = Get-AzureADUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName eq 'Don.Hall@$InitialDomain'"
$uaRoleMemberInfo = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RoleMemberInfo -Property @{ ObjectId = $HRUA.ObjectId }
Add-AzureADScopedRoleMembership -RoleObjectId $uaAdmin.ObjectId -ObjectId $HRAU.ObjectId -RoleMemberInfo $uaRoleMemberInfo

The output of the preceding command is as follows:

User Account Administrator assignment

Next, we will test our configuration.

Test your configuration

Open a new PowerShell and connect with the Connect-MsolService command to the Azure AD, and log in with credentials.

Modify a user account assigned to the HR administrative unit:

Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName -Department HR

Verify your modification:

Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName | select Department

Next, we will protect an administrative account with the Privileged Identity Management (PIM) features of Azure AD Premium P2. We recommend using Azure MFA to protect your administrative accounts, if you don't want to invest in Azure AD Premium P2.

Protect your administrative accounts

In this section, we will use Azure AD Premium P2 PIM to protect an administrative account in a quick intro.

Open as to start the configuration.

Click All Services and choose the Azure AD Privileged Identity Management.

Now, we need to Consent to PIM to use the service:

Privileged Identity Management - enablement

You will need to verify your identity and provide your preferred security verification option, as you can see in the following screenshot:

Azure MFA onboarding


If you already use the Microsoft Authenticator App on your mobile device, you can also register the mobile app.

Finish the verification process and click Consent—proceed:

Consent to finish the initialization

Next, we sign up under Azure AD Roles, so that users can enable Azure AD roles. Click Sign up PIM for Azure AD Roles to activate the functionality:

Azure AD roles - PIM sign-up

Now that the feature is enabled, we can assign the roles to our users.

Click Assign eligibility to start the task:

Role assignment procedure

Click the Global Administrator Role, view the actual members, and add your test account to the role:

User assignment to a role

View the expected result:

New eligible user assigned to the role

Let's test our configuration by opening an InPrivate browser session; open and log in with your own test account. Click All Services and choose Azure AD Privileged Identity Management. Choose My roles and activate the Global Administrator role for your account:

Role activation procedure

Next, you need to verify your identity. Follow the process, register, and verify your account. You need to complete the registration process just once:


Starting the verification process

After the registration and verification processes are finished, you can Activate your role:

Role activation

Provide a reason for your role activation. You will note that the role is limited for 1 hour and that you can define a custom activation time. Later in the book, we will configure different roles and features:

Activation options, such as Custom activation start time and Activation reason

Verify that your role is activated. You have successfully requested your Global Administrator role for the first time over Azure AD PIM. This is very useful so that high privileges are not permanently assigned to your account:

Active roles overview

We always recommend that you leave one Global Administrator permanently assigned, and that no Azure MFA is required to use the account. Use this account as a Breaking Glass account if the Azure AD PIM or MFA service is not available.

Next, we will configure user and group-based application access in Azure AD.

Provide user and group-based application access

In this section, we configure a typical workplace, which a user can access under the Access Panel UI ( We assign applications to users and groups to see the different capabilities. The steps don't contain all single sign-on or provisioning options. We will discuss these feature sets later in specific chapters.

Log in to with your Global Administrator credentials and add several applications from the application gallery under the Enterprise applications section. After adding the applications, we assign the accounts, which are to be provided access.

Build a list of applications like the following, and assign all groups to access the applications, except the one with user provisioning:

Azure AD application management


You will note the differences in the format with and without user provisioning.

Test your newly configured workplace and log in as to

Azure AD access panel UI - application access

Also, test the user experience on Office 365 and log in as to

Next, we will assign applications to users.

Assign applications to users and define login information

In the next step, we will assign the LinkedIn application to Don Hall, with the company credentials. Don Hall will not be able to see the credentials. So, if he leaves the company, the credentials are still protected.

Add the LinkedIn application from the application gallery and assign Don Hall to access this application:

Application - Users and Groups assignment

Next, we provide valid LinkedIn credentials. If you don't have a LinkedIn account, register a demo one:

Azure AD Credentials store


If you assign an application to a group, you can decide whether the credentials will be shared:

The following options for working with credential sets are available:

  • View with shared credentials: Users can view this just a few seconds after clicking the application. Test it with the Twitter app.
  • View with no shared credentials: Users need to add the preferred credentials once. Test it with the Twitter app.


You get the same behavior if you, as the administrator, don't provide the credentials.

Test this behavior with the user account, assign applications to groups, and define login information.

Assign applications to groups and define login information

In the next steps, we do the same for groups, such as an HR group that uses these groups to get news from an individual Twitter channel:

Filling the Azure AD Credentials store for application access

Add the Twitter app from the application gallery. Assign the HR group and configure the credentials. Check the application at with a user of the HR group.

Now, we can configure the self-service application management.

Self-service application management

In this section, we allow users to add their applications to their workplace under to enjoy the Single Sign-On feature. Under your Azure AD in the Configure section, navigate to Enterprise applications. Activate the function shown here:

Enterprise applications management options

Log in as to Click Get more applications and add MailChimp. After you add MailChimp, click Manage applications and choose MailChimp.

As on, you can see the newly added application under the Enterprise applications section of your Azure AD.

Configure the application, add some users, and test it!

Password reset self-service capabilities

In this section, we configure the password reset capabilities of Azure AD to reduce support costs and 24/7 availability. We use no restrictions on the service and we require just one verification option to reset the password:

Password reset - Properties dialog to select the activation options

To verify the reset, we use several methods:

Password reset - authentication options

The next option we activate forces the user to register:

Password reset - Registration requirement and confirming choices

Next, we configure the related notifications.

Configure notifications

In this section, we configure the notifications options so that the administrator will be notified if anomalous sign-ins or administrator password resets happen:

  1. Configure the Notifications as shown here:

Password reset - NotificationS options

  1. Users will be forced to register for a password reset, as shown in the following screenshot:

Registration enforcement

Now, we will test our newly configured feature and will see the registration scenario required for your verification options. Next, we will check the password reset.

Test the newly configured settings and log in as to

You will receive a message that you need to register for a password reset:

Authenticator app - setup procedure

Add your preferred method for Don Hall. You will receive an SMS text message, an email to your mailbox, or another of your defined response methods.


Administrative users need two verification options by default.

Log in as to , and you will see the request for two verification options.

In the next steps, we will verify the functionality.

Test the password reset process

Open in your preferred browser and enter Click the Can't access your account? option or use the following link,, to start the password reset process. You will come into the verification process, and you need to follow the tasks. Finish the process and log in with the new password.

Using standard security monitoring

In this section, we will configure and simulate some typical events that get reported in the Azure AD Monitoring section.

First, we configure a Password protection feature, Custom smart lockout. We set the value to 10 incorrect logins:

Azure AD password protection features

You should receive the following message if you provide a wrong password 10 times:

Locked message dialog

You can see the activity under Monitoring | Sign-In:

Azure AD monitoring capabilities

You can also test Sign-ins from multiple geographies with simulation software such as CyberGhost ( Another option would be to use an Azure Virtual Machine.

Log in with an account between geographic regions that are far apart, such as Europe and Asia. This requires a remote machine from your location and in a different time zone, with logons as close together as possible:

To configure users with an anomalous sign-in activity, you can use the Tor browser:

Open the Tor browser, go to, and log in as Your user account will be locked.

The following result is expected in security monitoring:

Security monitoring overview - Azure AD

Now that we have had a short journey through the security-monitoring options, we will integrate our Windows 10 client into Azure AD.

Integrating Azure AD Join for Windows 10 clients

In this section, we will configure the Azure AD Join functionality and join our first Windows 10 client to Azure AD.

We configure a maximum of five devices per user and leave the other default values:

Azure AD - Device settings

In the next section, we will join our client to Azure AD.

Join your Windows 10 client to Azure AD

Log in to your freshly installed Windows 10 client machine and go to Settings. Choose Connect in the Access work or school section:

Azure AD Join process dialog

We sign in with and join the Windows 10 client to Azure AD:

Join actions overview

Click through the Next sections and finish joining the client. Afterwards, we will check the new status. The expected result will be the connection to your Azure AD name:

Azure AD joined client message

Afterward, we will verify the Azure AD Join process.

Verify the newly joined Windows 10 client

Log in to the Windows 10 client with the credentials of and click through the security policy configuration. Click Enforce these policies. Click through the PIN setup and finish the process, then test the user experience:

  • Open the mail application, and you will see that the system recognizes your user ID and Single Sign-On is provided.
  • Also, if you open, you will be directly logged in to the access panel UI:

Different mail account options

After verifying the Azure AD Join, we will configure a custom domain. Be aware that you need to register a domain if you want to test the associated functionality.

Configuring a custom domain

Under the Azure Active Directory | Custom domain section, click Add custom domain and complete the verification process to prove that you are the owner of the domain:

Actual configured domains

Add the TXT entry shown to your DNS zone to verify the domain:

Domain verification options

Click the Verify button on your Azure portal, and after successful verification, the new DOMAIN NAME will appear under DOMAINS. Choose the Make primary option:

Custom domain overview and configuration options (Make primary or Download the Azure AD Connect tool)

Open to complete the domain setup process under the admin section:

Office 365 setup wizard

Choose the custom domain to be used for email addresses:

and mail options

The last step we need to take is to set the new UserPrincipalNames to the existing users. We do this with a small example scripting solution:

  1. Connect to your Azure AD with your global administrator credentials:
  1. Export the existing users to a CSV file with the following cmdlet:
Get-AzureADUser -All $True | Where { $_.UserPrincipalName.ToLower().EndsWith("")} | Export-Csv C:\Office365Users.csv
  1. Remove all accounts you don't want to modify and make the change with the following cmdlets:
$domain = ""
Import-Csv 'C:\Office365Users.csv' | ForEach-Object {
$newupn = $_.UserPrincipalName.Split("@")[0] + "@" + $domain
 Write-Host "Changing UPN value from: "$_.UserPrincipalName" to: " $newupn -ForegroundColor Green
 Set-AzureADUser -ObjectId $_.UserPrincipalName -UserPrincipalName $newupn
  1. You should get a result similar to this:

Active users overview

The primary email will also be changed to the custom domain.

Next, we will configure the Azure AD Domain services to provide a transition scenario for a Kerberos-based application that is normally provided in on-premises infrastructure.

Configure Azure AD Domain Services

To integrate a legacy application based on Kerberos authentication in an Azure infrastructure as a service (IaaS) scenario, we configure Azure AD Domain Services. In this section, we configure the basic service and integrate an active example application:

Azure AD Domain Services creation

To start the configuration, we need to specify the DNS domain name, the Azure Subscription we want to use, and the name of the Resource group:

Azure AD Domain Services configuration

When enabling Azure AD Domain Services, you will need to specify which Azure virtual network to use. We use a range 192.168.x.x/20 to configure the network:

Virtual network configuration

Add the admin account and your test user as a member of the Azure AD Domain ServicesAdministrator group:

Azure AD Domain Services Administrator group members

The summary should look like the following:

Configuration summary

Next, you will be asked to update the DNS configuration to the addresses of your DNS servers provided by Azure AD Domain Services. In my case, these addresses were and

DNS configuration

The last important step that you need to complete to use the domain you have just created is to enable password synchronization:

Instructions to synchronize users

By default, Azure AD does not store the credential hashes required for Kerberos authentication. You need to populate these credential hashes in Azure AD so that users can use them to authenticate against the domain. The process can be completed by changing the password of the user. You can use the accounts after 20 minutes in Azure AD Domain Services.


You have two options: let passwords expire for all users or instruct these end users to change their passwords.

Users can use Azure AD's self-service password change mechanism from the Azure AD Access Panel page to change their passwords.

Test and verify your new Azure AD Domain Services

To test the Domain Services, we complete the following tasks:

  1. Install a virtual Windows Server in your Azure IaaS environment by using a deployment template (

VM deployment configuration

  1. Install the administrative tools for Active Directory and DNS on the newly joined server:
Install-WindowsFeature RSAT-ADDS,DNS-Server-Tools
  1. Connect to Active Directory Users and Computers (dsa.msc) and the Group Policy Management console to verify your configuration:

Azure AD Domain Services structure including synchronized objects

  1. Next, we need to create a DNS HOST (A) record for our test application:
  1. Now, we can install a basic IIS configuration, used to handle the Kerberos part. For this, you need to install the IIS components, choose the Kerberos authentication feature, and activate it on the default website. Only Windows Authentication needs to be activated:

IIS Authentication configuration for Kerberos example application

  1. Next, we will install and configure the Azure AD App Proxy connector to provide the application to your users. We use the following cmdlets to configure the needed, resource-based KCD feature:
# inovitcloudlabs represents the computer name
$ConnectorComputerAccount = Get-ADComputer -Identity inovitcloudlabs
Set-ADComputer inovitcloudlabs -PrincipalsAllowedToDelegateToAccount $ConnectorComputerAccount
setspn -S HTTP/ inovitlabs\inovitcloudlabs
  1. Next, we will activate and configure the Azure AD App Proxy. To make it simple, we disable the IE Enhanced Security Configuration so that we don't need to provide any IE Security Zone configurations, just for the lab:

Server Manager IE Enhanced Security Configuration

  1. Next, we need to download the connector and install it on the server:

Application Proxy agent download and configuration

To configure the connector on the server, you need to provide a user with global administrator rights.

  1. After installing and configuring the connector, we will add our example app:

Azure AD App Proxy Connector group configuration options

  1. Next, we configure our example app as shown:

Kerberos example configuration

  1. Next, we configure the Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) option:

Application IWA configuration

Finally, we assign some users or groups and test the application at As a result, you should see the IIS test page. We provided a sample Kerberos-based application to Azure AD Domain Services and used the Azure AD App Proxy functionality.


After working through this implementation scenario, you will be able to configure and manage a suitable Azure AD tenant for the most important tasks. You will also be able to integrate Windows 10 and Office 365 to build a productive workforce for your users without an on-premises infrastructure. Don't worry if you missed some functionality. This was just a warm-up.

In the next chapter, we will discuss the identity synchronization needed to start with your hybrid integration and to provide the correct identity synchronization scenario for your requirements.

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Key benefits


Microsoft Azure and its Identity and access management are at the heart of Microsoft's software as service products, including Office 365, Dynamics CRM, and Enterprise Mobility Management. It is crucial to master Microsoft Azure in order to be able to work with the Microsoft Cloud effectively. You’ll begin by identifying the benefits of Microsoft Azure in the field of identity and access management. Working through the functionality of identity and access management as a service, you will get a full overview of the Microsoft strategy. Understanding identity synchronization will help you to provide a well-managed identity. Project scenarios and examples will enable you to understand, troubleshoot, and develop on essential authentication protocols and publishing scenarios. Finally, you will acquire a thorough understanding of Microsoft Information protection technologies.

What you will learn

Apply technical descriptions to your business needs and deployments Manage cloud-only, simple, and complex hybrid environments Apply correct and efficient monitoring and identity protection strategies Design and deploy custom Identity and access management solutions Build a complete identity and access management life cycle Understand authentication and application publishing mechanisms Use and understand the most crucial identity synchronization scenarios Implement a suitable information protection strategy

Product Details

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Publication date : Feb 26, 2019
Length 698 pages
Edition : 2nd Edition
Language : English
ISBN-13 : 9781789132304
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Product Details

Publication date : Feb 26, 2019
Length 698 pages
Edition : 2nd Edition
Language : English
ISBN-13 : 9781789132304
Vendor :
Category :

Table of Contents

23 Chapters
Title Page Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Copyright and Credits Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
About Packt Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Contributors Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Preface Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
1. Building and Managing Azure Active Directory Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
2. Understanding Identity Synchronization Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
3. Exploring Advanced Synchronization Concepts Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
4. Monitoring Your Identity Bridge Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
5. Configuring and Managing Identity Protection Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
6. Managing Authentication Protocols Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
7. Deploying Solutions on Azure AD and ADFS Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
8. Using the Azure AD App Proxy and the Web Application Proxy Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
9. Deploying Additional Applications on Azure AD Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
10. Exploring Azure AD Identity Services Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
11. Creating Identity Life Cycle Management in Azure Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
12. Creating a Security Culture Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
13. Identifying and Detecting Sensitive Data Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
14. Understanding Encryption Key Management Strategies Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
15. Configuring Azure Information Protection Solutions Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
16. Azure Information Protection Development Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
1. Other Books You May Enjoy Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Index Chevron down icon Chevron up icon

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