Using Non-Relational Data Storage
Most applications that use voluminous or big data, and continuously increase every user transaction, do not use relational databases for storage. Applications such as scientific information management systems, sales-related applications, stocks and investment-related software, and location finders are some applications that may utilize data from various types of data structures, such as objects, lists, dictionaries, and bytes. This data can be structured (for example, Excel-formatted medical records and CSV-formatted location data), semi-structured (for example, XML data of sales inventory and emails), and non-structured (for example, images, videos, social media postings, and Word documents). Relational databases do not have the support to manage this data, but NoSQL databases do.
NoSQL, which stands for Not Only SQL, is a schemaless form of data storage that has no concepts of rows and columns to hold records of information. Like any framework...