Animating with shape tweens
Now that a shape has been established, we’ll perform a specific type of tween that only works with shapes. It will likely come as no surprise to anyone that this type of tween is called a shape tween. We will make use of both frames and keyframes to set up our timeline and make it ready for tweening content.
The term “tween” is shorthand for “in between” and is a traditional animator’s term, describing the frames that exist in between the main keyframes that are drawn by a senior animator. These would be filled in by less-skilled junior animators using the keyframes as a guide. Tweens in Animate work in much the same way and inherit from this terminology!
Defining object properties with keyframes
At the most basic level, an animation is carried out within the timeline through the use of keyframes. Keyframes hold data values for certain properties, such as position, scale, rotation, and opacity. Creating...