Performance tuning
When it comes to the conversion of your Magento store, performance is the key to have a high conversion rate. Nobody likes waiting for the pages to be loaded, and you want your customers to place their order as soon as possible when they decide what products they want to buy.
In this section, we will review how to optimize Magento to have the fastest performance possible, including Magento configuration, server optimizations, and more.
To compare the performance between the previous version and the new version of the platform, we will include in the book the performance statistics shared by Magento. Take into account that these statistics have been created using Magento Enterprise Edition 2.0, but they are a good reference to review:
- Orders per Hour: Magento Enterprise Edition 2.0 can process 597 orders per hour, which is an additional 130 orders per hour in comparison with Magento Enterprise Edition 1.14.2:

- Catalog Browsing: The response time for catalog browsing is almost...