Time for action – creating a role to manage pages
Log in to Liferay as site administrator (Jeff Mcclure) and go to Control Panel | Portal | Roles. You will be then brought to the Role Management screen as shown in the following screenshot:
As you can see, there exists a set of roles. Some of these roles are default roles which have special meanings. We will explore the default roles in a later section of this chapter. Now click on the Add link from the top menu to open the screen to add a new role as shown in the following screenshot. Enter the following details for the fields on this screen:
Name: SiteDesigner
Title: Site Designer (Notice the Other Language link; it is useful to provide a title in different languages.)
Description: Role to Manage Pages of the Neighborhood site
Type: Regular (This property is about the scope of the role. Regular type is known as Portal Role. You will create Community and Organization type role in later sections.)
Now click on the Save button. It will add a new...