What this book covers
Chapter 1, Grunt Dependencies,will let us know that Grunt is a Javascript task runner, the purpose of which purpose is task automation. Before we can get started with Grunt, we need to make sure we understand and implement Grunt's prerequisites.
Chapter 2, Foundation for Creating an App using Angular.JS, will create a sample application to use throughout this book with the Angular-Seed scaffold.
Chapter 3, All about Grunt Plugins, introduces a sampling of common Grunt plugins, overview of their purposes, brief examples of implementation, and additional references and information.
Chapter 4, Configuration of Grunt Tasks, As we became familiar with installation and configuration of Grunt tasks. Focus is placed on two main files in a Grunt project; package.json and Gruntfile.js.
Chapter 5, Task Setup in the sample_project Application, defines the sample_project automated build process, introduces user stories, and then covers Gruntfile.js configuration from top to bottom.
Chapter 6, Building the Sample Project, will explain the process of loading tasks. We check functionality to ensure we get the expected results, and create custom and default tasks in order to automate the build process.
Chapter 7, Advanced Grunt Concept, will help you create your own custom task. Learn how to use the Grunt plugin tool and then write a custom Javascript plugin to Gzip files into a deployment directory