- administrative files
- karma.conf.js / Other administrative files
- package.json / Other administrative files
- about / AJAX
- advantages / AJAX
- reference link / AJAX
- albersUsa projection / Foundation – creating your basic map
- base.js script
- about / Exploring the code directory
- best practices, reusable assets
- methods/functions, simplifying / Keeping methods/functions small
- global variables, avoiding / Preventing side effects
- bounding box, map
- adjusting / Experiment 1 – adjusting the bounding box
- choropleths, map
- creating / Experiment 2 – creating choropleths
- circle
- creating / Circle
- click events
- adding, to visualization / Experiment 3 – adding click events to our visualization
- code directory
- exploring / Exploring the code directory
- index.html / Exploring the code directory
- main.css / Exploring the code directory
- vendor / Exploring...