Using widgets with Backbone applications
With the seemingly endless variations of JavaScript environments you may find yourself working in, it's best to embrace the fact that not everything is done the jQuery UI way. If you find yourself on a project where you're just itching to use jQuery UI widgets, because the use cases are plentiful, you'll have to take the time necessary in understanding the consequences of jQuery UI mingling with another framework.
It's generally ill-advised for any developer to mix completely different widget frameworks together, so hopefully that is something easily avoided. You'll of course have to work other homebrew HTML and CSS concoctions, but this is typical. It is not so bad, as you can control it (not easily done with other open source frameworks). So, if not other widget frameworks, what other frameworks might we have to consider working with?
Backbone is a general framework that builds on the lower-level underscore.js
utility library, for adding structure...