In this long chapter, we covered client-side AngularJS development with a caseworker application. We learned how the AngularJS framework manipulates the DOM and how it provides the binding between the data and the rendering of the elements using the MVC. We also learned some AngularJS concepts like scopes, modules, controllers, and factories.
Using the study example, we illustrated how AngularJS communicates to a remote server using RESTful service invocations from the client side. We also studied the WebSocket interaction briefly. On the client side of JavaScript, we went through the entire CRUD idiom in the caseworker application.
On the server side, we saw the implementation of the RESTful services with JAX-RS, which covered the four standard HTTP method requests. We also learnt about the Java WebSocket implementation.
AngularJS fits the mode of applications that single page applications need. However, this may or may not be appropriate to your business requirements. Adopting AngularJS...