Viewing the page structure
This recipe will show you another view/option available in Cognos Report Studio to examine and edit the reports.
Getting ready
We will use the same report used in the previous recipe for this recipe.
How to do it...
In this recipe we will see how to view/use Page Structure. To do this, perform the following steps:
Open the report in Report Studio and go to the report page.
From the menu, choose View | Page Structure as shown in the following screenshot:
You will see that the report page transforms into a tree-type list object, as shown in the following screenshot:
Open the different nodes and examine the objects.
How it works...
As you know, the report definitions in Cognos Report Studio are nothing but XML files. The report objects, Page, List, Columns, and so on, are all stored internally as nested tags.
By switching to the Page Structure view, you can actually see how the objects are contained within each other and how they are inter-related. You can select any object...